
66 pages 2 hours read

Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons Why

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Cassette 2: Sides A and BChapter Summaries & Analyses

Cassette 2: Side A Summary

Content Warning: The following summaries and analyses contain discussions of suicide and voyeurism.

Clay rides a city bus to Monet’s Garden Café & Coffeehouse as he listens to Hannah’s next tape. He imagines that other passengers think he looks guilty.

Before school starts, the then-guidance counselor, Ms. Antilly, introduces Hannah to another new student, Jessica Davis. Both girls initially resent being given “buddies” but end up talking and hanging out together at Monet’s. There, they meet Alex Standhall, another new student who the girls think likes one of them. Hannah mentions that Mr. Porter is the “unfortunate” replacement for Ms. Antilly, and Clay anxiously wonders what role Mr. Porter plays in the tapes. When Mr. Porter heard of Hannah’s death, he walked out of class and was gone for a week.

Hannah likes Jessica for her forthright personality. Hannah, Jessica, and Alex meet at the café at a regular table. If one has a hard day, they say “olly-olly-oxen-free,” and lay a hand on the table (62). The others lay their hands on top and listen. Eventually, they spend less time together. One day, Jessica meets Hannah at the café and confronts her about the “Who’s Hot / Who’s Not” list. Jessica is in the not-hot section. Hannah protests that the list does not matter, and that Alex only listed them that way to get even with Jessica. The two had been going out and broke up. Jessica believes rumors that Hannah was going out with Alex. Hannah denies this, but says it is okay if Jessica needs to blame her. Jessica strikes Hannah, and her fingernail lodges above Hannah’s eyebrow, leaving a tiny scar.

Hannah imagines her own funeral and the discomfort that Jessica and the other listeners may feel, but Clay comments that there was no funeral. He arrives at the café.

Cassette 2: Side B Summary

The barista at the café recognizes Clay from school two years ago and remembers him as a nice guy. Clay takes his coffee to a table and debates listening to all the tapes, or just finding his story. He thinks about Hannah’s parents, who owned a local shoe store. Clay walked past the store after Hannah’s death, trying to connect with her. The store has not reopened. Clay is relieved to discover that he is not next on the tapes but wonders how he hurt Hannah. Clay wishes that Hannah had not pushed him away at a party: He would have talked with her and answered her questions.

Hannah’s voice gets quiet as she records from outside the bedroom window of Tyler Down, a photographer for the school yearbook and the next name on her list. Hannah asserts that she is not there for revenge, although revenge would have been sweet. Hannah believes that Tyler was a Peeping Tom who photographed her at home. Hannah explains that although all the rumors people have heard about her are untrue, she was not a “Goody Two-Shoes” and did disobey her parents and date while they were on vacation (79). After coming inside alone one night after a date, she hears the “click” of a camera outside her window. Hannah ignores the peeper instead of calling the police.

Hannah tells a friendly girl at school about the Peeping Tom, hoping for sympathy, but the girl, whom readers later learn is Courtney Crimson, thinks having a peeper is “sexy.” Hannah invites her over to help catch the perpetrator. The two girls sit on Hannah’s bed and perform for the peeper: They fake-gossip about sexual things, and Hannah gives Courtney a backrub. They hear the camera click. Hannah wants to call the police, but Courtney wants to see the peeper. She pretends to find sex toys in Hannah’s drawer, and then they charge the window. Courtney sees a boy tucking his penis back in his pants. Neither sees the boy’s face. Hannah questions people at school about their whereabouts the night before and thinks that Tyler acts guilty and embarrassed. Hannah laments the fact that Tyler stole the sense of peace she felt at home.

Clay looks at the “scribble books”—blank journals for customers to write in—on the café bookshelf. He hopes to find something positive about Hannah. He finds an entry reading “[e]veryone needs an olly-olly-oxen-free” and the initials of Hannah, Jessica, and Alex (91). He finds a photograph taken at a party, showing a smiling Hannah with her arm around a nervous Courtney Crimson. Hannah tells Courtney’s story next.

Cassette 2: Sides A and B Analysis

Betrayals by the people on Hannah’s list continue to “snowball,” causing increasingly negative social, emotional, and psychological effects for Hannah. Meanwhile, Clay searches for understanding about Hannah’s death and struggles with his own feelings of guilt. Asher expands on the themes of the harmful power of rumors, the sexual objectification of women, the far-reaching effects of choices and small actions. The theme of the finality of death is introduced. Motifs of stealing and hindsight continue to inform the narrative.

Hannah accuses her listeners of serious violations: betraying her trust and friendship, continuing to erode her reputation, and robbing her of things that give her solace and safety. Hannah implicates Jessica because the other girl betrays their growing friendship and trust. Jessica’s choice to believe the rumors that Hannah and Alex had been together, rather than the truth, negatively affects Hannah emotionally and socially. The scar that Jessica leaves on Hannah’s face represents the permanent consequences of her actions, foreshadowing the theme of the permanence of death. The scar also illustrates the idea that Hannah’s image is made up of what others project onto her. Rumors prove more believable, and more damaging, than truth.

By spreading and believing rumors about Hannah, Jessica and Alex also steal Hannah’s initial small, but important support system. Hannah feels that her two friends cast her aside, and Monet’s Café is no longer the home base, or “olly-olly-oxen-free” (62), where she can safely express her thoughts and feelings. Like the rocket slide and the snowball, the phrase “olly-olly-oxen-free,” is emblematic of childhood games and suggests the loss—or stealing—of innocence. Another theft occurs when Tyler steals Hannah’s sense of safety and security in her home and destroys Hannah’s feeling of freedom and connection to the outside world: She can no longer see the stars at night and watch the lightning during storms.

Although Asher does not explicitly state that Hannah has any mental health concerns, Hannah’s tone and actions offer evidence that she is struggling emotionally. As rumors about her multiply and her personal losses increase, Hannah feels a lack of control over her life, which she also felt in her old town. Hannah is lonely in Crestmont and admits that Jessica and Alex helped fill “whatever void needed filling at the time” (62); the word “void” echoes the language of mental illness symptom descriptions. At the same time, Hannah downplays their importance to her, asserting that she “never thought of Jessica or Alex as friends” (62), although they spent hours together. The episodes with Jessica and Alex show that Hannah longs for, but struggles to maintain, feelings of connection.

Asher complicates the reliability of Hannah’s narrative through his treatment of the topics of victimhood and revenge. Hannah describes the first three listeners (Justin, Alex, and Jessica) as “liars or jerks or insecure people lashing out at others” (75), and hopes they feel miserable at her funeral. This draws attention to heavy irony: Hannah is “lashing out at others” posthumously by making the tapes. Hannah also disrupts Tyler’s home refuge and privacy the way that (she believes) he took hers. Hannah angrily tells Tyler that his feelings about his security and privacy are “not for you to decide” (89)—they are under her control. Notably, neither Hannah nor Courtney definitively proves that Tyler is the Peeping Tom. Hannah assumes that he was because Tyler owns cameras and he seemed embarrassed at school. If he is innocent, Hannah has just started a damaging rumor about him which results in his persecution later. Ironically, this small negative action, a rumor, is exactly how her problems started. While Hannah gives a cautionary message about rumors to her listeners, Asher uses irony to give a cautionary message about rumors and self-awareness to the reader.

Although Hannah insists that she is not spying on Tyler for revenge, she does admit that taking revenge “would have given [her] some sense of satisfaction” (83), However, she concludes that revenge “satisfies nothing” because she has already decided to end her life, saying: “My mind is made up” (83). Her reflection on the pointlessness of revenge after she is dead provides an example of Hannah beginning to think of herself as dead, signaling a development in her symptoms of mental illness to the reader.

The first-person narratives of Clay and Hannah push past tonal juxtaposition to direct conflict at points. Clay recognizes that, had Hannah made different choices such as calling the police about the Peeping Tom, things may have turned out differently. He also recalls an upcoming party in which Hannah yelled at him, instead of sharing her feelings. After her death, Clay is still trying to find the “real” Hannah, not the wounded, vengeful person from the tapes. Clay feels that they are filled with the “ugliness” of others’ actions, but possibly also Hannah’s. Asher uses Clay’s opinions—sometimes in conflict and sometimes in harmony with Hannah’s—to give their narratives a contrapuntal (both independent yet interdependent) relationship. This both obscures the reliability of each narrative but suggests that one is not complete without the other.

Clay, distraught with worry about how he might have injured Hannah—and sure that he must have done something terrible since he is included on the tapes—feels guilty that he did not do more to help Hannah. He wishes he could go back and “rewind the past” (60): to stop the hot/not list from getting out and keep Hannah from meeting Jessica and Alex. Clay’s desperate desire but inability to alter the past illustrates the novel’s message of the importance of making a connection while you have a chance. His desire to turn back time also draws attention to the novel’s layered temporality: Hannah’s past self is an intimate part of Clay’s present, and that of the others who listen to the tapes. This generates a tantalizing but erroneous idea for Clay that the past is close enough to change.

Hannah keeps both readers and Clay in suspense, foreshadowing more injustices and shocking revelations about Courtney Crimson and Mr. Porter, while Clay remains in agony, wondering what his crime is.

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