44 pages • 1 hour read
Todd StrasserA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Ben Ross begins The Wave as an experiment in which he hopes to answer a question that has largely been unanswerable: how the German people allowed the Nazis to germinate and spread hate and then terrorize the Jewish people, as well as other citizens, without protesting. The Holocaust, which wasn’t limited to Jews but persecuted anyone the Nazis deemed unworthy of existence during the Third Reich, didn’t arrive fully formed with the death camps and the Final Solution. It proceeded by degrees and had some of its roots in the aftermath of World War I. Hitler didn’t begin his regime by condemning and blaming the Jews because he would have sounded like the “madman” that he became. However, Hitler planted the seeds of a dangerous idea that, once it began to gain momentum, couldn’t be stopped until a global conflict had erupted.
At several points in The Wave, Ben tries to reassure himself, his wife, and Principal Owens that he’s in control of the situation. He may even believe it most of the time. However, he admits to himself that the expansion of The Wave surprises him. When the newspaper releases the special issue pointing out the dangers of the movement, it’s a reminder of how quickly things have changed. Laurie thinks, “The staff had realized that a single issue of the paper was not enough to stop a movement that had gained as much momentum as The Wave had that past week” (108). They’re racing to catch up to something that is expanding quickly and is still poorly understood.
The movement’s momentum grows and spreads for different reasons, as evident in the contrasts between how it affects David and Robert. David, while not a deeply developed character, isn’t hostile or malicious before The Wave. Laurie describes him as a nice but typical high school jock. When The Wave begins to gain momentum, David thinks of how this new emphasis on discipline could help the languishing football team. He never imagines that he has stepped onto a path that will lead to his threatening Laurie and treating her violently. To his credit, when it happens, he sees the situation for what it is. Likewise, Robert experiences The Wave in a positive way, but it gives him something to care about in a life that has lost meaning for him. When The Wave spreads, it’s understandable that Robert would help it grow, recruit others, and feel devastated at the prospect of its ending.
The high school members of The Wave don’t face the dangers of Nazi Germany, but the movement illustrates the insidious power of persuasion that such movements can engender. Mr. Ross shows the students that some paths may look innocuous but can eventually lead to something as abhorrent as genocide. With each new member that The Wave gains, the more opposition its detractors face and the harder it grows to slow the momentum.
The Wave begins with a literal lesson about the past. Ben shows the class the documentary about the Holocaust, complete with horrific, heartbreaking images of prisoners in the death camps. To differing degrees, the students are moved, disturbed, haunted, and incredulous at the footage.
Characteristically, Laurie and David reflect on the documentary in different ways. Laurie wants to understand how such cruelty could even be possible on a large scale, especially while so many claimed not to know about it. Her work as a writer and editor makes her a better fit for the hard work of contemplating the implications of the Holocaust as something relevant in modern times. She doesn’t say that it could, or will, happen again, but understands the limits of her knowledge and is uncomfortable speaking in absolutes without knowing more. David, conversely, admits that it’s shocking but is obviously eager to move on from the subject: “As something horrible that happened once, it bothers me. But that was a long time ago, Laurie. To me it’s like a piece of history. You can’t change what happened then” (18). David is certain that it couldn’t happen again because it’s so monstrous that one can scarcely imagine how it started, let alone what it became. The documentary alone isn’t enough to teach David the lessons that Ben wants him to learn from the Holocaust.
Ben devises the experiment as a way to show the students how something that is merely ugly and ignorant, like the theoretical seeds that became Nazi doctrine, can grow into a forces that overtakes a country, slaughters millions of people, and becomes a definitive reference point for the evil that people can wreak on one another. At the final assembly, Ben addresses the crowd:
If history repeats itself, you will all want to deny what happened to you in The Wave. But, if our experiment has been successful—and I think you can see that it has—you will have learned that we are all responsible for our own actions, and that you must always question what you do rather than blindly follow a leader, and that for the rest of your lives, you will never, ever allow a group’s will to usurp your individual rights (135).
He hopes they’ll remember the lesson but simultaneously acknowledges that, if history pursues its natural course, they’ll be just as likely to deny that it happened, or to downplay their role in The Wave.
Laurie’s parents, particularly her father, play small roles in the novel, but her mother provides some of the story’s greatest insights, especially concerning the value of the individual and the importance of individual thought and action. The Wave alarms Mrs. Saunders because she instantly sees its potential for cultish behavior, brainwashing, and the suppression of individual identity. She doesn’t instantly consider it cause for fear or alarm but understands that the loss of individuality happens incrementally. She reminds Laurie that the US was founded in dissent, by people who refused to accept and remain silent about what they considered unjust and oppressive treatment by the English government: “People have to do things in their own way. You talk about the greatness of this country and you’re talking about people who aren’t afraid to act as individuals” (50).
When David tries to convince Laurie to attend The Wave Rally, he appeals to how people look up to her. However, this bolsters her argument for individuality: “That’s exactly why I’m not going […] Let them make up their own minds about The Wave. They’re individuals. They don’t need me to help them” (87). Part of personal accountability is embracing the chance to succeed or fail based on one’s choices, free from the influence of others. In contrast, part of the potential appeal of belonging to a group is that the group provides easy answers. One-page briefs and pamphlets that are often used to summarize the views and talking points of a political party make it easy for someone to avoid critical thinking and the effort of scrutiny in favor of simply accepting what has already been decided. Acceptance is easier than contemplating and studying. A group provides easy answers to questions but also reveals the group’s enemies and gives members someone to strive against.
Groups are exclusive by nature, even when they welcome visitors and outsiders. The mere naming of a group creates a reality that has members, or insiders, and nonmembers, or outsiders. This can be harmless in the absence of hostility or intergroup grievances. Ultimately, however, only individuals can think, and only individuals have agency. A group doesn’t have a single mind. Rather, it can become a collective of individuals who have come to lack identities beyond the group’s parameters. Few people would overtly aspire to give up their rights and identities as individuals. Nevertheless, people willingly give themselves, their money, and their ability to think for themselves to groups and ideologies that devalue and diminish their individuality. In The Wave, the greatest value of an individual like Laurie is that she retains the courage to assert her individuality in protest.
By Todd Strasser