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Benjamin GrahamA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Note: The summary sections below cover both Graham’s text and Zweig’s commentary. Both authors make references to their present time periods in relation to the past and the future. Graham writes from the perspective of the early 1970s, whereas Zweig writes from the perspective of the early 2000s.
Graham establishes what the reader can expect—and not expect—to find in the chapters that follow. He states that The Intelligent Investor will center on investment principles, the psychology of investors, and historical patterns in the stock market. He emphasizes that knowledge of the past is key to investing intelligently.
Graham clarifies that the book is intended to advise investors rather than speculators, noting that this “now all but forgotten distinction” will be made even clearer in subsequent chapters (1). He also declares that “this is not a ‘how to make a million’ book. There are no sure and easy paths to riches on Wall Street or anywhere else” (1).
To illustrate this point, Graham provides an example of a businessman named John J. Raskob, who wrote an article in 1929 titled “Everybody Ought to Be Rich.” Raskob told people that investing just $15 per month in stocks would produce $80,000 in 20 years. Given the Great Depression that soon followed, the actual amount would have been closer to $8,500, Graham says. While Graham uses the anecdote to emphasize that there is no easy way to get rich, he also draws another conclusion: Dollar-cost averaging, or making regular stock purchases regardless of how the market is doing, can yield solid results.
Graham then refutes some common investing advice: the idea that one should buy a stock because the price has gone up and sell it because it has gone down. He claims that the exact opposite is true. He reflects on how the markets have changed since the previous edition of the book published in 1965. Some of the most notable developments include rising interest rates on investment-grade bonds, a decline in the stock market, rising inflation, and the rise of conglomerations. Graham states that the book will address the increasing interest rates of quality bonds as well as the impact of inflation on his advice that one’s portfolio should consist of a 50-50 split between common stocks and bonds.
He also introduces the concepts of the defensive investor (someone who does not want to spend much time and energy on investing, and who mainly wants to avoid mistakes or losses) and the enterprising investor (someone who is willing to spend more time and effort on investing to gain a higher return). While Graham previously believed that the enterprising investor could see greater returns than the defensive investor, he now says that may not be true.
He goes on to refute another common investing technique: choosing a high-growth industry and investing in the most promising companies in that industry. Graham claims that there are more pitfalls than benefits to this technique. He provides the airlines as an example of an industry that initially looked exciting but then incurred huge losses. He claims that potential growth does not always translate to profits and that even experts are unable to identify with certainty which industries are the most promising.
Graham states that The Intelligent Investor aims to prevent investors from making errors. He adds that the book will explore psychology because there are emotional and mental components to investing that can lead to regrettable decisions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the true value of an investment, buying investments that are priced close to their actual value, and taking a simple, safe, and rational approach to investing. He claims that despite the unprecedented events of the current time and the half-century that preceded it, solid principles will continue to yield solid results.
Zweig underscores Graham’s advice that one should strive to avoid losses. He provides a modern example of the unpredictability of the stock market: the dot-com boom and bust that occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Zweig notes that, while some losses are inevitable when investing, one should not get carried away by the enthusiasm of the market.
He emphasizes that the ability to avoid loss is a function of temperament rather than intelligence. He notes that even Sir Isaac Newton managed to lose a huge amount of money in bonds in the year 1720 after he got swept away by the promise of profits and that this was a result of his emotions rather than his IQ.
Reflecting on his current era, Zweig notes that the market swung from incredible optimism in the 1990s to incredible pessimism in the early 2000s. He says that people who were previously excited to buy stocks as they rose ended up selling them as the prices started to fall. He reiterates Graham’s point that the opposite should be true: “The intelligent investor realizes that stocks become more risky, not less, as their prices rise—and less risky, not more, as their prices fall” (17). Because of this, he says, even though the market slowed down considerably in recent years, it is a good time to build wealth.
Graham distinguishes between an investor and a speculator. He defines investment as a capital outlay that, after thorough analysis, “promises safety of principal and an adequate return” (18). He adds, “Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative” (18). He cautions that the term “investor” is now applied too loosely and that its definition should be restricted.
He admits that some speculation is involved in investing but believes they are distinct activities. He warns against mistaking speculation for investing; speculating for fun, and especially without skill or knowledge; and speculating with more money than one can afford. He says that anyone who wishes to speculate should set aside only a small portion of their money to do so and that they should keep this portion strictly separate from the rest of their funds.
Graham then provides separate advice to defensive investors and enterprising investors. In addressing defensive investors, he reviews one of the main pieces of advice he provided in previous editions of the book: that the defensive investor should divide their investments 50-50 between stocks and bonds. He reflects on how markets changed since the last edition of the book, noting that the interest rates on first-grade bonds rose considerably and that the late ’60s proved to be an exception to the rule that bonds fluctuate less than stocks.
He says his expectation for the following year (1972) is that bonds will still be preferable to stocks, though he acknowledges that this cannot be stated with certainty, and so a 50-50 split between stocks and bonds is still advised. According to his calculations for the near future, he says that the return from both stocks and bonds should be around 7.8% before taxes (or 5.5% after taxes) and that while this may not be as exciting as the high stock returns experienced during a bull market, it is still higher than the average defensive investor has earned in the past.
While Graham mostly references the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) when speaking of the stock market, he acknowledges that one can invest in other companies besides the ones in the DJIA. In the footnotes, Zweig mentions the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index (also known as the S&P 500) and the Wilshire 5000. According to Graham, one should avoid trends and hype. He advises a conservative approach: “The defensive investor must confine himself to the shares of important companies with a long record of profitable operations in strong financial condition” (28).
Aside from the advice to maintain a 50-50 split between stocks and bonds, Graham also briefly mentions three other approaches that the defensive investor can employ: buying shares of investment funds; using a common trust fund; and purchasing stocks at regular intervals with a set amount of money (dollar-cost averaging).
Graham then addresses enterprising investors. He says that a more aggressive approach to investing does not necessarily ensure better results. The enterprising investor should understand which approaches are likely to be successful and which are not. He notes that three common tactics—trading in the market (buying as stock prices rise and selling as they fall), short-term selectivity (buying stock in promising companies), and long-term selectivity (buying stock in companies with records of high growth)—are not likely to be successful.
Instead, Graham says that decent results can only be expected by policies that are “not popular on Wall Street” (31). He details three opportunities that the enterprising investor can take, all of which are undergirded by the idea that most people tend to be either overly optimistic or overly pessimistic about the market. First, he says that one can buy undervalued stocks and sell overvalued stocks, though he cautions that this is difficult to execute in practice. Second, he notes that an aggressive investor may be able to profit from the mergers of large companies (though Zweig says in the footnotes that this technique is no longer feasible for most people). Third, Graham says that one can benefit from spotting and buying stocks that are hugely undervalued. However, he admits that these anomalous bargains largely disappeared in the last few decades.
Zweig reiterates Graham’s belief that investment approaches should be rooted in analysis, safety, and long-term, modest gains rather than temporary and trendy growth. “An investor calculates,” he says, while “a speculator gambles” (36). He echoes Graham’s exhortation that one should never confuse speculation with investing.
To illustrate the difference, he gives an analogy of two drivers: one who drives at 65 mph to their destination and another who drives at 130 mph. He asks: Is the second person’s strategy “right” if they arrive faster and without dying? Even if they do survive, anyone who attempts to emulate them also risks dying. He likens this 130 mph driver to a speculator who attempts to “beat” the stock market and who advises others to follow suit. Zweig argues that speculative maneuvers are not safe or right simply because they worked once for the person espousing them.
Zweig reflects on how the pace of the stock market changed in the years after Graham published his book, noting how trading became increasingly trendy, fast-paced, and gamified. Online trading and constantly available data turned stocks into “pure abstractions—just blips moving across a TV or computer screen” (40). Zweig argues that treating trading as a fast-paced game is dangerous and that it is foolish to listen to so-called experts who peddle strategies that do not meet Graham’s criteria for investment.
Graham discusses inflation and its impact on investment decisions. He addresses the argument that common stocks can be used to counter inflation due to their potential for higher returns compared to fixed-rate financial assets like bonds.
Graham refutes the argument that common stocks are a reliable hedge against inflation, stating that while stocks have the potential for higher returns, they also carry higher risks. In response to the question of whether an all-stock portfolio would protect against inflation, Graham cautions that it would not be a foolproof strategy because the stock market is volatile. He quotes the financier J. P. Morgan, who, whenever he was asked to predict what stocks would do next, would simply say, “They will fluctuate” (54). In other words, when it comes to investing in stocks, the only certainty is uncertainty.
Graham addresses other ways to combat inflation, such as investing in gold or real estate. However, he believes the prices of both gold and real estate are subject to too many price fluctuations to be relied upon as effective long-term hedges against inflation.
He concludes by returning to his advice that a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds is the best approach to investment, providing a balance between risk and return: “Just because of the uncertainties of the future the investor cannot afford to put all his funds into one basket—neither in the bond basket…nor the stock basket, despite the prospect of continuing inflation” (56).
Zweig introduces “two inflation fighters that have become widely available to investors” in the years since Graham wrote The Intelligent Investor: REITs (real estate investment trusts) and TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) (63). REITs are a type of investment that allows individuals to invest in income-producing real estate properties. TIPS are special types of US Treasury securities that offer protection against inflation by adjusting their returns to keep pace with inflation. According to Zweig, “For most investors, allocating at least 10% of your retirement assets to TIPS is an intelligent way to keep a portion of your money absolutely safe—and entirely beyond the reach of the long, invisible claws of inflation” (64).
Graham begins The Intelligent Investor by managing the expectations of the reader. He acknowledges that investing is a complex and risky endeavor and advises readers to approach it with caution and a long-term perspective. In doing so, he sets his work apart from other investment books that promise quick and easy wealth. Graham intentionally juxtaposes himself with these authors by emphasizing that his approach is based on timeless principles and analysis, rather than speculation or market timing. He makes this contrast explicit on the very first page by bringing up John J. Raskob, who wrote the 1929 article “Everybody Ought to Be Rich.” Graham dismantles Raskob’s argument by using calculations based on quantitative and historical evidence, thereby establishing Graham’s credibility as a trustworthy source of investment advice.
In the Introduction, Graham refutes two pieces of popular investment wisdom. The first is the idea that one should buy a stock because the price has gone up and sell because it has gone down. The second involves choosing a high-growth industry and then investing in the most promising companies in that industry. The fact that Graham debunks these popular notions within the first pages of his book reveals his analytical and carefully contrarian approach. Graham establishes himself as someone willing to go against the prevailing market sentiment as long as his actions are based on sound analysis and logic.
Graham presents definitions of what he refers to as the defensive and the enterprising investor. Graham does not split investors into these categories according to wealth, age, or willingness to gamble. Instead, he distinguishes them based on their desire to actively engage in research, analysis, and investment decision-making. This distinction sets the framework for the rest of the book, as Graham tailors his advice to each type of investor. It also characterizes Graham as someone who understands the importance of individual temperament and preferences when it comes to investment strategies.
Graham does not view one approach as better than the other. He presents the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, allowing readers to choose the path that best aligns with them. Graham says:
A creditable, if unspectacular, result can be achieved by the lay investor with a minimum of effort and capability; but to improve this easily attainable standard requires much application and more than a trace of wisdom. If you merely try to bring just a little extra knowledge and cleverness to bear upon your investment program, instead of realizing a little better than normal results, you may well find that you have done worse (9).
In other words, there is no middle ground between the defensive and enterprising approaches; one must commit fully to one or the other. Further, there is no shame in choosing the defensive approach, as Graham emphasizes that it can lead to decent results. Graham’s words of caution also imply that a self-aware investor who admits that they do not want to spend much time learning about investing or researching stocks and who opts for a defensive strategy will fare better than an investor who tries to outperform the market without the necessary knowledge and expertise.
In Chapter 1, Graham introduces The Distinction Between Investors and Speculators, a concept that lays the foundation for the rest of the book. Graham seeks to set himself apart from other investment experts by focusing on this distinction. He argues that these two concepts are not interchangeable and should not be treated as such. The fact that Graham devotes an entire chapter to this distinction shows his commitment to conservative, long-term investing and his motivation to protect novice investors who may be easily swayed by the allure of easy money. Coupled with his writing on the difference between defensive and enterprising investors, Graham’s distinction between investors and speculators also demonstrates his meticulous nature and his desire for clarity and precision.
Throughout all three chapters, Graham emphasizes the importance of caution, implying that investors should cultivate a certain humility in understanding that the market is unpredictable and can lead to losses if one is not careful. In Chapter 2, when refuting the idea that one should invest in an all-stock portfolio to combat inflation, Graham warns, “That way lies sorrow” (55). These cautionary statements serve as a reminder that investment decisions should be approached with prudence and careful consideration.