
51 pages 1 hour read

Laurie Garrett

The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1994

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Chapters 4-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “Into the Woods”

Garrett introduces her readers to the story of Lassa fever by using a flash-forward scene and narrating the­ sense of panic felt in 1974 when German officials quarantined six people who were at the center of an outbreak. It then goes back to the story’s beginning, in 1969, when missionary nurses in Nigeria began to fall ill with a mysterious and often lethal fever. One of them, Lily Pinneo, was flown to New York for treatment, but researchers could not find any known virus that matched her blood samples. After a long period of intensive care, Pinneo began to recover, but another researcher came down with the virus and would have died if not for an infusion of Pinneo’s plasma. Because of its track record of infecting caretakers and investigators, the mystery virus was “thought to have a unique proclivity for killing doctors and nurses” (73). Lassa virus, as it came to be called, could be transmitted in multiple different ways, including through the air. Meanwhile, a second outbreak was underway in Nigeria, in which Nigerians themselves were falling deathly ill, which suggested that local immunity to this strain was low.

Searching for answers, a group of scientists flew to West Africa to hunt down any animals that might be the reservoirs or vectors of the disease. Eventually, they narrowed it down to a small brown rat, which had recently expanded its habitat to fill a vacant niche when people drove out the larger black rats in their villages. This discovery was not widely appreciated because the circumstances around the outbreak had become strained with politics: Nigerians viewed the disease as having been brought to them by expatriates, and they demanded that Germany take back one of the current victims afflicted with it. Germans, however, were terrified of the disease and resisted, only allowing the patient and his caretakers in under the strictest quarantine measures. Despite the political overreaction, the patient recovered, and all those in quarantine were eventually released.

Chapter 5 Summary: “Yambuku”

Having already examined the outbreaks of three other hemorrhagic viruses, Garrett introduces the most famous representative of the group: Ebola. A 1976 outbreak in a Catholic mission hospital in Yambuku, Zaire, became the epicenter for the spread of a lethal new virus. Yambuku lay in the Bumba Zone, a remote and difficult-to-access area of central Africa, but word of the outbreak spread rapidly, pushed on by stories of victims who died within days, their skin stretched tight and bleeding from every orifice. Word was relayed to Dr. William Close, who had previously worked in Zaire, and he, in turn, notified the CDC. Soon an international team of doctors and researchers was assembling to tackle the virus, led by Karl Johnson (see Chapter 1) and including Joe McCormick, whom Johnson recruited (see Chapter 3). The challenge facing them was significant, not only because the outbreak was in such a remote area but because word of another similar outbreak was trickling out of an even more remote region in southern Sudan. If the two outbreaks were related, then it meant that the virus had already achieved a massive spread. By the time the team reached Yambuku, the outbreak’s initial wave had died because locals started taking precautions and avoiding the hospital.

It was immediately apparent that they were dealing with something new; the Belgian doctor Peter Piot analyzed the virus under a microscope and saw it arranged in a unique question-mark shape, unlike any known virus. Much of the virus’s transmission in the hospital was tied to reusing syringes in up to 600 patients a day without proper sterilization. The cases derived from the mission hospital had a lethality rate of more than 90% and had claimed many of the mission workers themselves.

McCormick, meanwhile, had begun an investigation into the south Sudanese outbreak, and while it appeared to be a strain of the same virus, there were no connecting cases in the hundreds of miles between the two outbreaks. The outbreaks were not connected, but they were the same virus, which suggested that researchers were dealing with the amplification of a naturally occurring, endemic virus spread over the area, which had somehow achieved high rates of lethality and transmissibility in these two breakthrough spots. Despite having to wrestle against fear and governmental incompetence at multiple stages (taking the form of pilots who would refuse to take researchers on their planes and villagers who refused them access), the scientists succeeded in finding some answers. In addition to transmission via undersupplied hospital facilities, the two outbreaks had expanded due to cultural practices of cleaning dead bodies before funerals. However, searching for an animal reservoir of the virus proved fruitless: “The source of both horribly lethal viruses—Marburg and Ebola—remains a complete mystery” (148).

Chapter 6 Summary: “The American Bicentennial”

After focusing on outbreaks in South America and Africa, Garrett turns her attention to the USA, where in 1976, two outbreak scares shook the nation. It began with a young army recruit in New Jersey suddenly falling ill and dying of what appeared to be influenza. This sparked fears of a long-predicted emergence of a highly lethal flu strain like the one that caused a global pandemic in the wake of World War I. Early indications showed that it could be a version of swine flu, and the Gerald Ford administration stepped in with a massive effort to prepare for the coming onslaught of disease, which it identified as a resurgence of the old pandemic strain. As it turned out, no epidemic ever materialized, and the government was left to reckon with the effects of what looked in retrospect to be a case of letting panic, rather than medical research, set the agenda. Garrett quotes Dr. Harvey Finberg reflecting on the situation: “In this case the consequences of being wrong about an epidemic were so devastating in people’s minds that it wasn’t possible to focus properly on the issue of likelihood” (163).

In the same year, there was an authentic outbreak of real concern in the US. A group of American Legion members, who had celebrated the nation’s bicentennial together in Philadelphia, suddenly began falling ill of pneumonia and dying. Researchers ran into difficulties early on: “The epidemiologists couldn’t figure out how, whatever the culprit was, people got sick. They couldn’t even narrow the clues enough to tell whether the killer was a chemical or a microbe” (175). The investigators’ slow progress, combined with the government’s massive spending on the false alarm over swine flu, led to a rupture in national confidence in public health officials. That was only worsened when the government-promoted vaccination project against swine flu led to a sharp rise in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Eventually, though, results began to appear in the search for Legionnaire’s disease. Two researchers, Joe McDade and Shep Shepard, isolated a bacterium that caused the condition, previously unnoticed because it would not grow under normal laboratory conditions. This microbe, adapted to living in the nearly anoxic environments of pond scum, had found a new habitat in cooling towers and large air-conditioning systems. In this case, an advance in human technology (primarily air recirculation systems) had brought a bacterium into a new environment, where its effects proved toxic to the humans around it.

Chapter 7 Summary: “N’zara”

With this chapter, Garrett varies from her recent string of narrating outbreaks of new diseases and returns instead to the source-animal investigations that ran in the aftermath of Lassa fever and Ebola. In 1976, after the first response to Ebola was complete, Joe McCormick went to West Africa to test how widespread Lassa fever might be. Far from a rare rate of occurrence, he found that this previously unknown disease showed evidence of widespread endemicity throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It could be easily treated through an antiviral drug, ribavirin, but the low levels of economic development meant that most African governments simply could not afford to provide a reliable drug supply for their people.

Many African countries were trapped in cycles of poverty that were only exacerbated by global interventions. Global market conditions had encouraged them to switch from domestic agriculture to cash crops, but rich western nations controlled those markets, ensuring that conditions remained at merely a subsistence level for most workers. Development initiatives from the global community provided high-profile projects like dams and airports but left none of the means of maintaining them in the hands of the African governments, which led to a continual breakdown in the continent’s infrastructure. Under those conditions, maintaining a reliable network of public health was nearly impossible. Some development projects led to ecological catastrophes for local populations, such as when the creation of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt caused an increase in schistosomiasis cases because of the expanded habitat that the dam provided to the schistosome parasite. By the 1980s, governments realized that far from eradicating disease microbes, many development projects had led to resurgences in some diseases, as was the case for sleeping sickness, river blindness, and Chagas’ disease. Garrett quotes Nobel laureate Sir MacFarlane Burnet, who said, “[…] [W]hen we attempt to remold any such [stable] ecosystem, we must remember that Nature is working against us” (214).

After his Lassa work was done, McCormick was asked to investigate another suspected Ebola outbreak in Sudan, this time in the remote town of N’zara. He found a situation reminiscent of Yambuku, where an undersupplied hospital became a major avenue of transmission. Though a full survey of local animals was undertaken, none were found to be the virus’s reservoir, leaving the question of when and where Ebola might resurface unanswered.

Chapter 8 Summary: “Revolution”

Chapter 8 traces yet another arc from scientific optimism to a more realistic interpretation of the dangers inherent in biological complexity, but here the arc follows the story of our progress in genetic science rather than our ambitions to eradicate disease. In the 1970s humanity’s understanding of genetics was expanding at a whirlwind pace as scientists plumbed the secrets of DNA and RNA. Seeing what was happening in the genes of microbes might, they thought, give humanity another advantage in the war against disease. However, what they found was that far from being a possible weakness, genetics revealed the microbes’ greatest strength in new depth:

They soon discovered that microbes could share genes with one another that made them more formidable human enemies; […] some microbes possessed the ability to chemically manipulate the human immune system to their advantage; and there were viruses that could hide for years on end inside human DNA (225).

Bacteria, like all living things, had genetic sequences that governed their cellular life, but they could also move genes from one spot to another (“jumping genes” or transposons), exchange genes with other bacteria, or even keep backup strands of unused but potentially advantageous DNA (plasmids) floating around in their cytoplasm until they needed them.

Some of the new discoveries about microbial genetic abilities were alarming. One class of viruses—retroviruses—could invade a cell and read their own genetic programming backward to create a DNA strand that would then be incorporated into the human cell’s DNA. Such viral interactions with host DNA were discovered to lay at the root of some cancers. Areas on the human genome in which viruses could interact to cause cancer were labeled “oncogenes,” and it was gradually revealed that human and viral genetics existed in a complex, entangled relationship with one another. Various theories as to the mechanism and frequency of these viral-genetic interactions were debated, but the basic picture was already becoming clear: “[…] [I]t was an accepted tenet of biology by 1982 that viruses could directly, or perhaps through intermediary chemicals or host genes, cause the changes in cells that were the hallmarks of cancer” (233).

Chapters 4-8 Analysis

In this section of the book, Garrett again includes chapters that tell the stories of disease outbreaks (Chapters 4-6), a chapter that offers an analysis of social factors behind disease transmission (Chapter 7), and a chapter that traces the efforts of public health officials and researchers in their quest to gain an advantage over microbial diseases (Chapter 8). This section, like the first, is weighted toward storytelling, allowing Garrett to continue raising her audience’s familiarity with the ideas and processes of epidemiological response, but without having to introduce the ideas in textbook fashion. The final chapter in this section offers an opening explanation of the complex science behind genetics and viral interactions with host cells, which will become essential knowledge in later sections (such as the story of the AIDS epidemic in Chapter 11).

Garrett’s main themes appear throughout this section, and most of the storytelling chapters involve several of them simultaneously. The theme of understanding human/microbial interactions through an ecological lens surfaces in the story of each outbreak. With Lassa fever, human environmental change was at the forefront: by ridding their villages of black rats, which people regarded as pests, they made room for an expanded range of smaller brown rats, and the brown rats proved to be the carriers of the disease. A similar animal/human interaction likely led to the overspill of the Ebola virus into human populations and then was amplified by human behaviors on the microbial ecology when undersupplied hospitals used unsterilized needles over and over again, thus passing infections from one patient to another. In the case of Legionnaire’s disease, an advance in human technology (air recirculation systems) provided a new habitat for microbial ecology. Legionella bacteria used the anoxic environment provided by large-scale air conditioners and then passed through the air to human lungs. In each case, human behaviors disturbed the microbial world’s ecological balance and provided new avenues for transmission.

The second theme, which highlights social factors in disease transmission, appears most prominently in Chapter 7, though other examples also emerge from the outbreak stories (such as the sociocultural practice of cleaning dead bodies serving to amplify the spread of Ebola). In Chapter 7, Garrett underscores the cyclical nature of systemic poverty in many African contexts, a condition that allows broad opportunities for the emergence of disease. One of the striking elements of the examples she gives is that their negative consequences are often clearly unintended. This is also true of most of the behaviors listed under the ecological theme—humans very often think they are making an advance of some kind when, in fact, the advance only serves to give them a short-term gain while providing long-term losses in the war against microbial infection. These unintended consequences abound in the history of development projects in Africa, which are often intended for the good of the recipient nation, but in some cases, promote a failing infrastructure and a dependent economy rather than the opposite. One of the main applications which Garrett draws from these examples is the necessity of growing in our awareness—understanding the implications of human actions on the whole ecological spectrum before we launch into major interventions upon our environment.

The theme of optimism versus reality also emerges again, forming one of the main threads in Chapter 8. Whereas Garrett’s earlier exposition on scientific optimism centered on the eradication of disease, here she focuses on the science of genetics. Human advances in understanding genetics were astounding in the 1970s, so it comes as no surprise that scientists were riding high in their estimation of what they might be able to achieve. As the structures of DNA and RNA came to light, researchers hoped that genetics would become a new battlefront in their war on microbial disease, a battlefront in which they now held an overriding advantage. As it turned out, genetics was already a battlefront in that war, and it was a battlefront the microbes were dominating. Researchers gradually became aware of the mind-boggling complexity of bacterial and viral genetics, particularly how they could manipulate genes in ways we had never imagined before. This adaptability on the genetic level allowed microbes to swiftly develop new attributes of drug resistance, imperviousness to certain chemicals, and new abilities for entering and attacking cells. Because of these discoveries, scientists began to realize the scope of the challenge that still lay ahead of humanity in its war against infectious diseases, and a more realistic view replaced the sunny optimism of the 1970s.

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