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Jacques Derrida

Of Grammatology

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1967

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

 “The devaluation even of the word ‘language,’ and everything, by way of the credit given to it, announces the looseness of its vocabulary, the temptation to seduce on the cheap, the fashionable passive abandon, the consciousness of the avant-garde, in other words its ignorance, all of this gives evidence.”

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Page 6)

Derrida opens by challenging structuralism directly. He argues that language is slippery. Trying to discuss language through the medium of language itself further complicates the ability to understand and pin down the concept. Derrida rejects the idea that language is concrete or part of a grand narrative. These opening foundational claims contribute to the theme The Instability of Meaning. In short, Derrida suggests that meaning is difficult to pin down and can change over time or across different cultures and audiences.

Quotation Mark Icon

“By a slow movement whose necessity is hardly perceptible, everything that for at least some twenty centuries tended toward and finally succeeded in being gathered under the name of language is beginning to let itself be transferred to, or at least summarized under, the name of writing.”

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Page 7)

In this passage, Derrida suggests that speech has dominated the hierarchy of the binary opposites of speech and writing for centuries. Prevailing thought suggested that speech had greater value because it was closer to thought. Writing presented a unique problem to meaning. The word on the page signified a spoken word that signified a sign, creating more space between language and meaning. However, Derrida suggests that this perception is changing, and the written word is becoming more directly associated with meaning.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The order of the signified is never contemporary, is at best the inverse or the subtly discrepant parallel—discrepant by the time of a breath.”

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Page 19)

In his development of his argument for The Rejection of Logocentrism, Derrida explains that it is impossible for a signifier to have a meaning that is clearly defined by its relationship to the outside word. As soon as the thought is translated into a signifier, there is too much space between the mind and language to create a stable connection.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The movements of deconstruction are not interested in structures from the outside. They are not possible and effective, they cannot take accurate aim, except by inhabiting those structures.”

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Page 25)

Deconstruction utilizes the technique of dismantling a concept from within. This approach is the origin of Derrida’s famous and often misunderstood assertion that there is no meaning outside of context. Rather than relying on the relationship of binaries or the metaphysics of presence, Derrida turns logic on itself, revealing the gaps or negations in its reasoning. He argues that emphasizing the relationship between internal and external structures limits understanding.

Quotation Mark Icon

“It is clear that the concepts of stability, permanence, and duration, which here serve to think the relationships between speech and writing, are too lax and open to every uncritical investment.”

(Part 1, Chapter 2, Page 46)

This quotation further emphasizes the unstable nature of meaning. In this section of the chapter, Derrida outlines Saussure’s argument that speech and writing should be examined separately and that signifiers have a connection to the external world. Derrida casts doubt on the stability of language and argues that the metaphysics of presence keep philosophers like Saussure from casting a critical eye on their own understanding of language.

Quotation Mark Icon

“From the moment there is sense there is nothing but signs. We think only in signs.”

(Part 1, Chapter 2, Page 54)

Derrida emphasizes the infinite nature of language and signs. Each word begets another word. For example, if one considers the word “father,” it conjures a never-ending succession of other concepts, including “mother,” “paternal,” “God,” etc. Derrida proposes that this richness is what makes deconstruction of a trace so challenging. One can never fully uncover the infinite traces that mark a sign. This complexity contributes to the ever-shifting nature of meaning.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The trace is not only the disappearance of origin, it would say here—in the discourse that we use and according to the trail that we follow—that the origin did not even disappear, that it was never constituted except as a back-formation by a nonorigin, the trace, which thus becomes the origin of the origin.”

(Part 1, Chapter 2, Page 66)

Trace forms one of the pillars for Derrida’s argument that meaning is naturally unstable and complex. He suggests that a word can never be separated from its present or past or from its association with other words. These associations represent the trace that deconstruction attempts to uncover. However, Derrida proposes that deconstruction can never fully uncover the trace of any sign.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The hinge (brisure) marks the impossibility that a sign, the unity of a signifier and a signified, be produced within the plenitude of a present and an absolute presence.”

(Part 1, Chapter 2, Page 75)

Derrida proposes that deconstruction is the attempt to uncover and examine the trace in language. In this passage, he argues that signs can never be attached to concrete meaning. They are informed by their presence—what exists in the external world—and their trace—their association with other signs and internal experience.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Logocentrism is an ethnocentric metaphysics, in an original and non-’relativist’ sense, it is linked to the history of the West.”

(Part 1, Chapter 3, Page 85)

As Derrida continues with his critique of logocentrism, he brings in a discussion about alphabets and writing from non-Western origins. Derrida explains that a preference for speech in language is an entirely Western ideal. Chinese writing is independent of phonetic spelling and speech, for example. Philosophers who adhere to logocentrism fail to recognize that their arguments are, in fact, ethnocentric, meaning they attempt to apply a phenomenon unique to their own cultures to the rest of the world.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Between rationalism and mysticism there is, then, a certain complicity.”

(Part 1, Chapter 3, Page 87)

One of Derrida’s critiques of Western logocentrism is its inability to separate rationalism from the spiritual. The foundation of logocentrism is the alignment of speech with the divine. This assumption undermines the projected rational logic of logocentrism.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Metaphysics has constituted an exemplary system of defense against the threat of writing. What links writing to violence?”

(Part 2, Chapter 1, Page 109)

In this chapter, Derrida uses his technique of deconstruction to examine how philosophical thought has aligned violence with writing, which he argues is one of the tenets for privileging speech. Lévi-Strauss’s analysis of the Nambikwara people serves as the text for Derrida’s deconstruction. Derrida turns Lévi-Strauss’s own words and philosophies on themselves, thereby dismantling the association of writing with violence.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Up to what point is it legitimate not to call by the name of writing those ‘few dots’ and ‘zigzags’ on their calabashes, so briefly evoked in Tristes Tropiques.”

(Part 2, Chapter 1, Page 119)

Derrida criticizes Lévi-Strauss’s ethnocentrism in his work Tristes Tropiques. Lévi-Strauss refers to “primitive” forms of writing, revealing a racism that blinds him to the reality of the people he observes. Their form of writing does not align with the phonetic alphabet championed by logocentrism, so Lévi-Strauss fails to see their writing as legitimate.

Quotation Mark Icon

“To name, to give names that it will possible be forbidden to pronounce, such is the originary violence of the language which consists in inscribing within a difference, in classifying, in suspending the vocative absolute.”

(Part 2, Chapter 1, Page 121)

Derrida pushes back against Lévi-Strauss’s argument that the origination of violence in the Nambikwara tribe was the introduction of writing. Instead, Derrida proposes that violence was a part of the culture of the Nambikwara people from the beginning, because violence is a natural part of the human condition. Whenever humans classify and distinguish themselves into different groups, violence always ensures. Furthermore, Derrida asserts that the presence of Lévi-Strauss contributed to the violence, creating a framework for revenge.

Quotation Mark Icon

“To say that a people do not know how to write because one can translate the word which they use to designate the act of inscribing as ‘making stripes,’ is that not as if one should refuse them ‘speech’ by translating the equivalent word by ‘to cry,’ ‘to sing,’ ‘to sigh’?”

(Part 2, Chapter 1, Page 134)

In this passage, Derrida vehemently challenges Lévi-Strauss’s assertion that the Nambikwara people lack a written language. Once more, Derrida connects logocentrism to ethnocentrism. He argues that Lévi-Strauss is only examining the tribe through the lens of his own experience. Their form of writing is different from his own, so he devalues it.

Quotation Mark Icon

“That is why, straining toward the reconstruction of presence, he valorizes and disqualifies writing at the same time.”

(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 154)

In this passage, Derrida shows the connection between Rousseau’s argument and the metaphysics of presence. He views writing as a chain of supplements for the signified, which he believes establishes a gulf between the written word and authentic experience.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Rousseau considers writing as a dangerous means, a menacing aid, the critical response to a situation of distress.”

(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 156)

Rousseau perceives writing as a chain of cheap and inauthentic supplements, so he views it as dangerous. His argument mirrors Lévi-Strauss’s assertion that writing is linked to violence. It is important to note, however, that Lévi-Strauss viewed Rousseau as a founder of anthropology and admired his ideologies.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The sign, the image, the representation, which come to supplement the absent presence are the illusions that sidetrack us.”

(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 167)

Rousseau suggests that anything that stands in for another idea or signifier leads the reader further away from the authentic origination. Derrida, however, argues that the chain of supplements, or what he refers to as “différance,” serves to contextualize and enhance meaning.

Quotation Mark Icon

“There has never been anything but writing.”

(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 173)

This quotation forms the foundation of Derrida’s methodology of deconstruction. Often misunderstood, Derrida’s statement suggests that a text provides everything a reader needs to extract meaning.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Alteration in the language and in pronunciation is thus inseparable from political corruption.”

(Part 2, Chapter 3, Page 184)

Rousseau sees any evolution in language as a part of a series of supplements. Like his views about government, Derrida sees representation as a divergence from the natural and divine center of humanity. Each supplement is a diversion from purity and authenticity. Therefore, what he sees as the evolution of the decline of language is interwoven into the decline of society.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The logic of the supplement—which is not the logic of identity—makes it possible, simultaneously, for the acceleration of evil to find at once its historical compensation and its historical guardrail. History precipitates history, society corrupts society, but the evil that links both in an indefinite chain has its natural supplement as well: history and society produce their own resistance to the abyss.”

(Part 2, Chapter 3, Page 194)

Derrida challenges the logocentric idea that the written word creates a series of supplements, only confusing meaning as a result. Instead, he suggests that these supplements reveal a necessary part of the human condition, the need to evolve and change. This creation of supplements is as natural to humanity as any other process.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The taste for and power of imitation are inscribed within nature.”

(Part 2, Chapter 3, Page 223)

In this passage, Derrida challenges Rousseau’s argument that imitation is the antithesis of what is natural. Rousseau suggests that imitation is a supplement for the authentic version. An actor on a stage is one in a series of representations attempting to imitate something that is more authentic, natural, and divine. However, Derrida argues that imitation occurs in nature. Birds mimic one another. Moths try to camouflage themselves to look like tree bark. Imitation and supplementation, seen as part of the exterior, are a part of the interior.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Our language, even if we are pleased to speak it, has already substituted too many articulations for too many accents, it has lost life and warmth, it is already eaten by writing.”

(Part 2, Chapter 3, Page 246)

Derrida explains that writing and speech have the same origins. Both are a facet of representation. Speech is so complex and diverse that it contains its own series of supplementations, which Derrida suggests is proof of its association with writing.

Quotation Mark Icon

“How is writing, like pity, for example, both in nature and outside it? Like the awakening of imagination before this, what does the awakening of writing signify here, if it belongs neither to nature nor to its other?”

(Part 2, Chapter 3, Page 259)

These questions, posed by Derrida in response to Rousseau’s contradictory writing, form the heart of deconstruction. The questions challenge absolutes by daring to interrogate whether binaries even exist. The inquiry is not whether writing or speech is more natural. Instead, Derrida asks whether it is possible that writing and speech are neither natural nor cultural. He suggests that it is possible that writing and speech have more to say about the human condition than a simple juxtaposition of opposites.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Such is the situation of writing within the history of metaphysics: a debased lateralized, repressed, displaced theme, yet exercising a permanent and obsessive pressure from the place where it remains held in checked.”

(Part 2, Chapter 4, Page 294)

In this passage, Derrida admonishes the metaphysics of presence, explaining that the reliance of logocentrism on presence is evidence of its willful ignorance. Derrida suggests that Rousseau’s argument is clumsy because it stubbornly tries to fit conflicting ideas into a cohesive theory of logocentrism. His consistent rejection of logocentrism emphasizes logocentrism’s failure to recognize the role of absence and negation in the communication of language.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The sickness of the outside (which comes from the outside but also draws outside, as one says equally or inversely, a homesickness) is in the heart of the living word, as its principle of effacement and its relationship to its own death.”

(Part 2, Chapter 4, Page 341)

In this quotation, Derrida summaries deconstruction. The exterior represents the collection of lower-ranking halves of binaries. He argues that any exterior can be placed within the interior and that this act will always destroy, or kill, the binary. Throughout Of Grammatology, Derrida exhibits his technique by deconstructing the binary of speech and writing. Instead of proving that writing should be privileged over speech, he argues that there is no hierarchy or difference between the two.

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