59 pages • 1 hour read
Lamar GilesA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Del Rainey is attending church with his mom. Pastor Newsome, a passionate speaker, is animatedly praying. Del zones out and peeks over at the gorgeous Kiera Westing, his crush since kindergarten. Kiera is single for the first time since fourth grade, so Del wants to make a move on her at last. Her boyfriend of the past two years, Colossus, recently cheated on her. Del watches Kiera with her parents. When Del spots her going up to the front of the church with other teens, he assumes they are volunteering for community service and follows. The churchgoers all clap.
Since he wasn’t paying attention, Del doesn’t know why they’re at the church’s altar, but he’s happy to be standing next to Kiera. The youth minister asks Del first, “why do you want to remain sexually pure until you’re joined in holy matrimony?” (10). Del replies with “Huh?” because he didn’t realize he was joining the Purity Pledge class.
Though nervous and surprised, Del replies he wants to remain pure because he loves God. Since his family isn’t actively religious and is testing church out, he’s learned that answering any question with “Because I love God” or “Because God loves me” works in every situation (12). Kiera replies that she loves God too and wants to treat her body like a temple. She quotes the Bible. Jameer, an honor roll and perfect attendance student, replies with one word: God. The minister explains they’re all undertaking a powerful journey with the eight-week Purity Pledge program. Afterward, Del follows Kiera, admiring her “hot” and “slim thick” figure.
At the end of the service, he wants to head to the lobby to talk with Kiera and her parents. He hopes to make a great impression before he asks her out. Jameer, Kiera’s next-door neighbor, runs to him and warns him against asking Kiera out. He says Del is “thirsty” and just like all the other guys who are obsessed with Kiera. Jameer warns that Del’s timing is bad because three guys already asked her to prom, and she said no. Since they don’t know each other well, Del questions Jameer’s motives. He says he wants Kiera to be with a good guy and would like his favor (warning Del to be patient) returned. Back with his mom, Del takes his folder of Purity Pledge materials and activities. Mom says she’s proud of him.
Del’s dad, who never joins them for church, is at home watching football. Dad and Mom share loving embraces and laughter, setting an example of love that Del wants to find too. Dad says his sister, Cressie, called. She is in her first year of college. Mom calls Cressie to check in, then lets Del talk with her. Del teases her about college classes, and she teases him about not having a girlfriend yet.
Del heads to work at Monte FISHto’s, a fast food restaurant. He’s a cashier, along with his classmate Mya Hanson, who works the drive-thru lane. Mya, who is shy, acknowledges to Del that they are both in the Purity Pledge group. She implies she didn’t think he was pure though. Del doesn’t know how to respond, and luckily his best friend, Qwan, enters the restaurant.
Qwan is “a ladies’ man” who believes in not getting emotionally involved with girls. He asks Del about Kiera, but Del explains it isn’t the right time although he’s in the Purity Pledge group with her. Qwan, exasperated, says that voluntary celibacy is a bad idea. He teases Del about the last time he had sex, which Qwan believes was two years ago when he lost his virginity at a group party. Del tells Qwan not to worry about him or his sex life.
At home later, Del looks at the permission slip for the Healthy Living class (sex education) at school. His parents must sign the slip granting permission for Del to participate in the lessons on safe sex and STDs. In the Purity Pledge folder, Del sees that the class will learn the exact opposite: abstinence is the only correct choice.
Before school the next day, Del’s dad calls him into his home office. He asks Del about the Purity Pledge since he’s confused that a “Rainey man” wouldn’t want to “get some.” Del offers an excuse about the class being volunteer work to help with college applications, but Dad believes he could pick any other type of volunteering. Del finally admits Kiera is in the program, and his dad understands. Dad is also happy it’s a free program since money is tight. Three years ago, Del’s dad gave him the safe-sex talk (and gave him a condom), and this is the first time they’ve talked about sex since then.
Del picks Qwan up in his car for school. Qwan keeps up with social media and explains the latest Kiera gossip on Snapchat. Del never uses his phone while he drives because he’d lose his driving privileges. Qwan says people are grieving Kiera and Colossus, and there was a “dumb rumor” they’d get married at graduation. Colossus used to give Kiera sentimental presents and take her out on nice dates, so Del and Qwan were upset that they had to step up their games. They see Angie Bell, the girl Colossus cheated with. They hear someone call her a THOT (that “ho” over there) in the hallway. Angie walks quickly by; she’s getting lots of hate on social media since Kiera is popular.
In their Healthy Living class, Del’s favorite teacher MJ (who also teaches English), explains they have a new curriculum that the physical education teachers didn’t all support. They’ll cover more topics of sexual health, contraception, and STDs this year—and Del realizes the change stems from the nine girls who got pregnant last year. The pregnancies drew attention from the local media, and the administration decided that the sex ed class was the appropriate response.
Later in gym class, someone throws a basketball that hits Del in the nose; his nose bleeds terribly. He worries Kiera saw him while others laugh, but she isn’t close by. Colossus has been begging her for forgiveness all day, but Kiera isn’t interested. After a trip to the nurse and cotton in his nose, Del is happy to be home at the end of the day. He masturbates to porn to relax.
Del drives to his first Purity Pledge class despite his doubts, and he wonders if he should just go home. Another car pulls up, and he hears a contentious exchange between Jameer and his parents. His father yells that the conversation “isn’t over,” and his mother quotes a Bible verse that Jameer finishes for her. Jameer walks over to Del, acknowledging that Del heard the fight, then asks if Del can take him home after the meeting. Del agrees, but he asks if Jameer could put in a good word for him with Kiera, since Jameer is her friend. Jameer doesn’t agree.
During class, Sister Vanessa asks who would like to lead their opening prayer. Kiera volunteers, but Del looks at social media while she prays. Kiera stares at him while quoting a verse about God’s wrath. Everyone else has their eyes closed while Del and Kiera stare each other down.
Sister Vanessa instructs them to make collages about purity. Though some people laugh, Kiera leads the younger girls to follow directions. They cut any images out of magazines that represent a pure mind, body, and heart. Del puts images like a man jogging, a car, and a business meeting on his poster. Jameer uses only letters he cuts out instead. Pastor Newsome comes in and praises everyone’s work, except Jameer, asking if Vanessa instructed him properly to use photos, not words.
At the end of class, Kiera asks Jameer if he’s sure about getting a ride from Del. Her attitude makes Del confront her. Kiera asks to talk to him privately; with passion and anger, she tells Del to leave the class. Kiera explains that she knows about his and Qwan’s reputation, and she won’t let him be a predator to the younger girls, who just see him as a cute boy. Del wants to retaliate that he’s not a womanizer, only Qwan is, but he just tells her she has it all wrong. Kiera storms off.
On the ride home, Del asks what he should do about Kiera. Jameer says he pissed her off because of his reputation with Qwan, but he can’t quit the purity class, or it will prove her right. Del argues, but Jameer asks him to prove he doesn’t go out on dates with girls every weekend; Del replies it’s complicated (since he’s just along for the ride with Qwan).
Del wonders why Jameer wants to help him, so he finally cracks and says he wants to make Pastor Newsome mad and that he wants information from the Healthy Living class. Jameer wants to know if wet dreams are normal, so Del tells him to just search for it on Google or Wikipedia. Jameer reveals he only has a flip phone. His parents have multiple safe searches on his computer. Del replies they’re strict, and Jameer agrees. Since Del is the only one in both Purity Pledge and Healthy Living, he can give Jameer the sex education info, and Jameer will help him get results with Kiera.
The role of religion in values and identity formation (and Del’s questionable faith) is clear from the opening pages, and Giles develops this idea throughout the novel. First, the book opens with Del and his mom attending church. Though Del admits his family has never been religious, he goes to appease his mom. Still, Del has personal investment in attending church because he wants to see his lifelong crush, Kiera Westing. Secondly, Kiera is a devout Christian. When Del joins the Purity Pledge unwittingly, he doesn’t back out because he will do anything to be close to Kiera, even if it means he’s dishonest about his convictions. Because he has idealized Kiera and imagined she’s perfect for him, he doesn’t realize that they ought to have authentic interests in common. In fact, Del doesn’t even own a Bible—while people like Kiera and Jameer have color-coded Bibles with their favorite verses marked. While the other Pledgers are devout Christians, Del believes he can earn Kiera’s affection with a lie. The struggle between truth and lies continues throughout the novel and is a source of conflict for several characters.
The juxtaposition of the Purity Pledge with Del’s sexual interest is both funny and telling, but Del is too invested in his fantasy to see the irony. Del looks at Kiera as a sexual object in the church when he should be praying: “she’d flat-ironed her hair into black waterfalls that crested her dark shoulders and the thin straps of her wine-colored dress. She hadn’t smiled once since service started, though she still looked hot hot. Volcano hot. Dragon hot” (3). He has no interest in following the service and believes he deserves Kiera since he’s waited for so long for her to be single. By describing Kiera based on only her physical appearance, Del shows that he doesn’t know her more deeply. What he does know of her personality—that she seems to take her faith seriously—he doesn’t value. He isn’t capable of seeing beyond her physique, so when Kiera walks in front of him in church, he values only how she looks in her dress. He doesn’t realize that objectifying any woman is a toxic aspect of masculinity. Even when his first interactions at church with Kiera are negative, Del doesn’t suspect that perhaps they have nothing in common and aren’t well suited to one another.
At age 17, Del is exploring The Construction of Masculinity as a key component of his identity. Del’s parents, surprised by his joining the Purity Pledge, react differently to his choice. His mother is proud, but his father is suspicious—until Del reveals that Kiera is in the group as well. His father’s reference to Del’s being a “Rainey man” implies that a real man, or a man of their family, naturally pursues sex, even as a young teenager. Because society, his dad, and Qwan in particular instill in him the expectation that he should pursue sex to be a man, Del fears the pledge will be an obstacle to his goals. This conflict between toxic and healthy masculinity, the pressures either to pursue sex or to remain abstinent, and the dishonesty that pervades the teenage relationships all shape Del’s journey to discovering what it means to be a good man.
Kiera is more complex than Del gives her credit for. Del sees Kiera only as his ideal “hot” girl, but she’s religious, passionate, and protective. Because Del is believed to have had sex at the basement party their freshman year, Kiera questions his motives for being in a class devoted to abstinence. Trusting the rumors of his escapades at the party, she castigates Del: “‘If you two want to be man-whores […] it’s not my business. But I won’t let you be a predator with them.’ She pointed […] to her girls. […] ‘You want to keep up your little charade, I can’t stop you, but you won’t get near them’” (71). Confronting Del about being a hypocrite when he’s not pure shows she’s devoted to her beliefs and doesn’t want any negative outcomes in their class. Perhaps because she’s hurting from breaking up with Colossus (who cheated on her), Kiera is also taking out her frustration on Del, which is a realistic action for an emotional teenager blowing off angst. Still, Kiera’s protection of the younger girls is authentic because, even though she’s misjudged Del as a predator and a womanizer, she knows the pressure teenage boys can exert. She’s aware that the Sexual Double Standard exists to chastise sexually active girls and women, and she doesn’t want the younger girls to fall victim to it.