45 pages • 1 hour read
August WilsonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
King is watering his seeds. Stool Pigeon enters the yard with two jugs of water. He is sure that terrible changes are afoot, and that God brought Aunt Ester home to him before wreaking havoc on his wayward people. King tells Stool Pigeon that he is going to be one of Aunt Ester’s pallbearers. Stool Pigeon quotes from the Bible about people making graven images and worshiping idols. He thinks that Aunt Ester was the only one who saw the truth, and now that she had died, the community will no longer have the benefit of her wisdom. Now more than ever, he is sure, the people need wisdom. Stool Pigeon thinks that she died from grief, that the hundreds of years of Black history in America became too much for her to bear.
Mister enters the yard and asks if the lights are still out at King’s and Stool Pigeon’s. Stool Pigeon tells him that the lights went out all over the city when Aunt Ester died. Mister has sold two more refrigerators. He asks if King has seen Pernell’s cousin, and King responds that he’s been looking for him, but hasn’t found him yet. King points out that there are small seedlings growing in his dirt patch, despite Ruby’s claim that he wouldn’t be able to get anything to grow in that corner of the yard. Mister wonders if it wouldn’t be better to sell television sets, but King counters that everyone already has a television set, and that people tend to wait around until the time is just right to replace their refrigerator. The new, heavily discounted models that he and Mister are offering are perfect. Mister wants to withdraw some of his portion of their profits to buy some new furniture, but King reminds him that the two are supposed to go in on a video store together. They can only afford the store with all their combined earnings. King reveals that Tonya is pregnant and says he wants his child to grow up with “something.” The two men agree to rob a jewelry store so that they have enough money to meet their current needs and to buy their video store together. King begins to reminisce about his former girlfriend Neesi. The two had been close, but she was killed in a car accident. His life with Tonya has helped to ease the pain of her loss, but he still misses her.
Stool Pigeon enters carrying a bundle of newspaper. A West End house has collapsed and he is sure that it is the work of God, who was only waiting for Ester to die before bringing his wrath down on the city. Ruby enters and complains about Stool Pigeon storing so much old newspaper in his house. She thinks that it is a fire hazard. She asks about flowers for Ester, and King and Mister agree to help cover the cost.
Mister gets ready to leave and tells King that he’ll see him on Wednesday. Ruby interjects, asking what they have planned on Wednesday. King loses his temper, and tells her that his life is none of her business. He accuses her of ignoring her parental duties and reminds her that she left him in the care of Mama Louise when she went off to East St. Louis to sing in a band.
Elmore enters, looking like a “consummate hustler.” His clothes, although worn, are sharp, and he is smiling. He asks Ruby how she’s been, and although she notes that she’s been just fine without him, she leaves to go fry him some chicken. He stays behind to talk to Mister and King, and asks them what they’ve been up to. They explain about the refrigerators, and Elmore finds out that King is selling them for a white man he met in the penitentiary, and that the merchandise is brand new and high quality. He wants in on the scheme, and points out that instead of a video store, they could open up a chicken shop with a gambling saloon in back.
Stool Pigeon enters. He tells them that violence is escalating in the city. He reads a headline about a drive-by shooting, and the three men talk about the changing nature of urban life. Elmore posits that honor is important, and that modern men lack honor. King agrees that violence used to be the result of serious conflict between two people, but that these days it seems that people get killed over nothing. They talk about the need to carry a gun for protection. Stool Pigeon posits that it is God who truly calls the shots, but Elmore will have none of that argument. He has little use for God and thinks that men are in charge of their own lives, not God.
Tonya enters, visibly upset. She tells King that she doesn’t want another baby. She had Natasha at 17 and she is now 35. She doesn’t want to do it again. She thinks that he is still in love with Neesi. He explains that Neesi is gone, and that he is invested in his marriage. He wants to do right by Tonya. Tonya sighs. She worries that Natasha is about to repeat her mistakes, and she wonders what kind of future is possible for young men in their community. She doesn’t want to have a child just for it to have its own babies too soon or die by violence. She leaves, even more upset than when she came in. King hollers after her that she just can’t get an abortion without consulting him.
Ruby tries to tell King to stop pushing Tonya away, but he will not listen to her. He exits and Tonya returns. Ruby and Tonya talk about the situation, and Ruby is more receptive. She shares with Tonya that she wanted to abort her pregnancy with King. She went to see Aunt Ester, thinking based on what she’d heard in the neighborhood that Ester was an abortionist. Ester instead convinced her to keep the pregnancy.
It is the next morning. Elmore sits on the steps, cleaning his gun. Ruby tells him that she is going to make breakfast and asks him to put his gun away. The two talk about their on-again-off-again relationship, which has now spanned 37 years. Elmore explains that although he has not been a constant presence in her life, he has always loved her more than anyone else he’s ever known. Ruby remains circumspect, but tells him that she has always loved him too. Elmore asks if Ruby ever told King that his father was Leroy, not Hedley. Ruby responds that King “didn’t need” to know that. Elmore asks if Ruby will marry him now, and she tells him that she’s too old. He promises that he is a changed man and that he’s just going to go away to get some money and then come back to marry her. But he has said this before, and Ruby tells him that she just wants to retire.
Mister enters. He and Ruby talk about the old days and about work. Mister has a job making nails, but Ruby explains that singing was the only work she ever knew how to do. She even knew Mister’s father back in the day. He had played drums. Elmore comes back, bringing Ruby a necklace. It is cheap costume jewelry, but he tells her that it is 14-karat gold. Pleased, she puts it on. He also has a pearl-handled derringer pistol that he wants to sell to Mister for $75, but Mister explains that he only has $50. Although the gun does not seem to work properly, Mister ends up buying it for $55.
King enters. He looks angry. He explains that he went to pick up the photographs for Tonya, but was told by Sears that they did not have a record of the purchase. He produced a receipt, but they said that their system uses phone numbers, not receipts. King was flabbergasted that proof of payment would not be enough to get the pictures back and lost his temper. The cops came. King recounts how angry he was and how unfair it is that receipts are not accepted by the store as proof of payment. Elmore tells him that he has to pick and choose his battles and that he doesn’t need to get so angry at each individual act of discrimination that he experiences. Elmore, King, and Mister all discuss how difficult it is to make their own way in a white world. White Americans are actively preventing Black Americans from getting ahead. Mister recalls his fifth grade teacher telling him that he’d make a good janitor someday. King recalls that the judge who sentenced him for Pernell’s murder ignored his explanation for the killing: Pernell had attacked him with a knife. He also recalls getting in trouble for asking to go to the bathroom in elementary school. The teacher told him no, and he got up anyway and walked into the hall. She grabbed him, so he kicked her. He feels that the infraction clouded the rest of his education and that he was always treated like a criminal in school.
The second portion of Act I further explains the importance of Aunt Ester within the world of King Hedley II. It delves deeper into the friendship between King and Mister, and further explores King and Tonya’s fractured relationship. A powerful but difficult conversation between Elmore, King, and Mister speaks to the role that structural racism plays in their lives.
Stool Pigeon asserts that Ester’s death is a bad omen. Ester is an important character within the Pittsburgh Cycle, although she plays a greater role in previous installments. Born into enslavement, Aunt Ester lived for hundreds of years after emancipation. She became the Hill District’s matriarch; she established community norms and reminded the Hill District’s Black residents what their strengths, values, and beliefs were. She was an anchor. Her death in this play is a sign that times have changed for the worse. Stool Pigeon observes that his community is “lost”; that is, they have lost touch with the kind of values espoused by Aunt Ester, and this is in part why they are so mired in the cycle of violence. Whether King will reconnect with community-based values becomes one of the play’s central questions.
King reveals in this section of the play that to open the video store, he and Mister must pool their earnings. This fact speaks to the importance of friendship and community and suggests how King might find his way out of the cycle of violence. To succeed as a legitimate businessman and to find redemption, he will need to harness the power of community. This is an underlying argument across the Pittsburgh Cycle: In a landscape of structural racism, people will have to come together to make up for the lack of resources they receive from the outside.
Tonya’s character emerges more fully in the last portion of Act I, and through her the play examines another dimension of Structural Racism and the American Dream. She does not share King’s excitement about her pregnancy. Tonya had a daughter at a young age and does not feel as though it is possible to properly provide for a child in a neighborhood that is so underserved and under-resourced. Structural racism has impacted Tonya as much as King, although she sees it more through the framework of motherhood and family, whereas King struggles against racist structures at school and work. Tonya is so disillusioned with the lack of possibilities for Black Americans that she wants to abort her pregnancy, and her disagreement with King on this point further strains their relationship. Tonya and King’s conflict elucidates how structural racism contributes to Fractured Familial Bonds.
King is aware of the impact that racism has had on his life and on Tonya’s, and this portion of the drama contains an important conversation between Elmore, King, and Mister. The three men discuss the ways in which racism and racist stereotypes have affected them. King was branded a bad student as a very young boy only because he wanted to go to the bathroom, and Mister (who is obviously intelligent and well mannered) was told that he should hope to be a janitor as an adult. Elmore, too, recalls the sting of racism, and the three men talk about the way that racist labels have followed them throughout their lives: “They got everything stacked up against you” (53). This scene shows that the men understand both structural inequality and the harm caused by person-to-person prejudice.
By August Wilson
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