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“Gardiner C. Means”
Beginning in 1933, Means served as Economic Adviser on Finance under Henry Wallace, President Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture. Means believes that the New Deal brought the US government in line with 20th-century economic realities. He credits Roosevelt for being willing to experiment and argues that the controversial National Recovery Administration achieved its purpose. Means found the entire New Deal Era “exhilarating” (248) and “an adventure” (250).
“Raymond Moley”
Moley advised Franklin Roosevelt in the late 1920s and followed the new president to Washington, DC in 1933. Moley believes that the key to reversing the Depression was restoring confidence, which is why he credits Roosevelt for his bank rescues and fireside chats.
As years passed, however, Moley grew disenchanted because he believed that the New Deal gave the federal government too much power. Moley argues that Roosevelt in general receives too much credit on policies, for even President Hoover probably would have agreed to everything that was good about the New Deal, and it was the Second World War, not Roosevelt, that brought the United States out of the Depression. Moley explains that he started to doubt Roosevelt in 1935, when Washington, DC “began to fill up with these young radicals” and the president himself turned more and more to Huey Long-style demagoguery (255). Moley concludes with reflections on Long, whom Moley regarded as smart but reckless. Moley claims that Roosevelt looked down on Long with patrician condescension and hatred.
“C.B. (Beanie) Baldwin”
As an assistant to Henry Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, Baldwin served in the Roosevelt Administration from 1933 until the president’s death in 1945. In a lengthy interview, focused on policy, Baldwin describes his contributions to the administration’s agricultural relief and reform. The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, one of the New Deal’s signature agencies, was to boost farm prices, but Baldwin recalls that Secretary Wallace “never liked” the destruction of crops and livestock that such a purpose entailed (255).
Baldwin helped direct the Resettlement Administration, which included the Rural Rehabilitation Division, the purpose of which was to move farm families to better land and set up cooperatives. In this capacity, he worked closely with Rexford Tugwell, whose enthusiasm for central economic planning made him one of the New Deal’s most controversial figures. Baldwin recalls that he and Tugwell were surprised by the resettled farmers’ desire to own their own land again as soon as possible.
Baldwin also remembers conflicts with the Farm Bureau and its principal constituency: the large farmers who wanted the government to help them crush competition from smaller farmers, prevent migrant workers from organizing unions, and inflate food prices. Anti-New-Deal congressmen also made life miserable. Baldwin notes that in rural areas, his agency’s photographers managed to take and preserve hundreds of photographs that “more effectively dramatized the plight of poor people than anything else done in thirty years” (262). Baldwin believes that the New Dealers, in hindsight, could have done more but were thwarted by reactionary forces.
“James A. Farley”
Farley managed Franklin Roosevelt’s presidential campaigns in 1932 and 1936 but thought a third term was too much. Farley describes people’s desire for significant change in the early 30s. He credits Roosevelt for saving the banks and the entire system. Nonetheless, Farley aligns with Raymond Moley and believes that Roosevelt was a snobbish patrician who tried to pack the Supreme Court.
“Joe Marcus”
Marcus, a professional economist, worked with chief Roosevelt-adviser Harry Hopkins on problems of persistent unemployment. Marcus recalls early resistance to ideas such as unemployment insurance, but the resistance faded quickly. He marvels at his own sudden elevation to Washington and remembers that the “biggest thrill of my life was hearing a speech of Roosevelt’s, using a selection from a memorandum I had written” (267).
Marcus claims that New Dealers were unlike other politicians, and were moved by a sense of serious purpose. His wife Sue interjects to say that she and the other New Dealers’ wives understood the important job their husbands were doing, though they grew tired of all the shop talk. Marcus does not believe there was much talk of revolution, but acknowledges that the Depression lasted a very long time and that only the Second World War ended it.
“Burton K. Wheeler”
Former US Senator from Montana and Progressive Party candidate for vice-president in 1924, Wheeler claims to have seen the Crash coming in the 1920s. As a senator, he opposed Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which bailed out banks and larger financial interests. He recalls that other senators agreed with him on principle, but nonetheless voted the way their donors told them to vote. Wheeler supported Roosevelt’s New Deal but not his court-packing plan. Nor did he support the president on policies Wheeler believed would (and did) lead the US into war.
“David Kennedy”
Treasury Secretary under President Nixon, Kennedy served on the Federal Reserve Board during the Depression. Kennedy recalls working during the 1933 Bank Holiday to help determine which banks were able to reopen. He calls the Bank Holiday “probably the most dramatic happening in the history of the financial world,” but it was necessary because, even in the 1920s, hundreds of banks closed each year (272). Marriner Eccles, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, had critics in Congress and elsewhere, many of whom blamed him and the Federal Reserve for the Depression’s second serious downturn in 1937.
Kennedy believes that the Second World War ended the Depression, though he credits the New Deal for bringing temporary relief. He voted for Roosevelt twice but then voted against him thereafter, in part because of court-packing, in part because Kennedy did not believe a president should serve more than two terms, and in part because the New Deal had failed to produce recovery. Kennedy recalls that the people who lived through the Depression felt more confused and deflated than angry. He contrasts this with the revolutionary atmosphere of the late 1960s.
“John Beecher”
A poet who hails from a line of social activists, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Beecher served as a New Deal administrator. As a young man, Beecher had worked in the steel mills of Birmingham, Alabama, where his father was a well-to-do US steel executive until the Crash wiped out most of his net worth. Beecher then decided to focus on helping displaced workers in the South. Under Rexford Tugwell’s Resettlement Administration, Beecher organized a migratory labor program in Florida, where displaced farm workers, mostly poor Black sharecroppers from Florida and Georgia, could set up cooperatives. Beecher regards this program as “the most advanced thing I encountered in the whole Administration,” for the workers made their own ordinances and governed the cooperative in true democratic fashion (279).
The Second World War diverted funding, and “racial” attitudes put an end to enclaves of Black self-government and self-improvement in Florida, where landowners preferred to “[k]eep the Negroes broke” (280).
“Congressman C. Wright Patman”
A congressman from Texas for more than forty years, Patman recalls his efforts on behalf of the World War I veterans who made the Bonus March on Washington in 1932. He bemoans the fact that the federal government welcomes lobbyists with open arms, but “[w]hen the poor come to town, they’re trouble makers” (283).
Patman describes the impeachment of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon in January 1932. Patman claims that documents related to the impeachment vanished from his office, most likely stolen and destroyed by Treasury officials and/or the FBI. Patman believes that moneyed interests control the federal government, the elected elements of which are virtually meaningless.
“Colonel Hamilton Fish”
Fish served in World War I and then in Congress. In the early 1930s, he chaired a committee that investigated communism in America. He loves his fellow veterans but believes that Communists had infiltrated the Bonus March of 1932. He does not think President Roosevelt was a Communist, but he does think Roosevelt hurt the country.
Fish recalls that Roosevelt’s original program was fiscally conservative, but the president’s advisors, the so-called “Brain Trust,” turned things in a radical direction. Fish notes that unemployment remained very high throughout Roosevelt’s first two terms and that this was why, in Fish’s view, Roosevelt wanted the US to get into the Second World War. Fish also denounces Roosevelt for seeking a third term in 1940. Fish concludes by contending that socialism could work only if people were angels, which they are not.
“William L. Patterson”
Patterson studied law, became a Communist, went to the Soviet Union for three years, and returned to America in 1930. He organized hunger marches in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area and recalls that President Roosevelt “save[d] capitalism from itself.”
Patterson describes at length the infamous 1931 Scottsboro case, in which nine Black men riding a freight train from Tennessee to Alabama were accused of raping two young white girls. One of the girls, Ruby Bates, explained that she had been forced into prostitution at thirteen and pressured, on threat of imprisonment, into making the accusation against the Black men. She later cooperated with the defense. When the US Supreme Court refused to release the men who had been falsely accused, Patterson began “to see the role of the American Government in the persecution of the Negro people” (296).
“Max Shachtman”
A member of the American Socialist Party in the 1960s, Shachtman describes the history of the American Communists and of leftist radicalism in general during the Depression. He recalls that in the first half of the 1930s, it was easy to interest unemployed workers in protesting and marching for jobs, but it was difficult to interest them in communism.
Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, coupled with the fusion of New Deal and labor politics, gave Communists their opening in the second half of the decade, when radicals and liberals alike were united against fascism. Soon the Communists began working inside and influencing the Democratic Party, but the Communist Party in the US collapsed when it endorsed the 1939 Nazi–Soviet Pact, for this proved that the American Communist Party took its direction from Moscow. Shachtman sees the New Deal coalition between labor and ethnic minorities as a permanent feature in American politics, though he is saddened by the state of intellectual Leftism in the 1960s.
“Dorothy Day”
Terkel interviews Day at the New York City headquarters of The Catholic Worker. Day, nearly 70, describes herself paradoxically as a Socialist, Communist, and Christian. First and foremost, she believes in pacifism and anarchism. She recalls the Nazi–Communist conflicts of the 1930s, as well as wars in Asia and Africa, and insists that “the teachings of Christ, the Sermon on the Mount” (303) are the only answers to such strife. She recognizes the need for the federal government, but she supported neither the New Deal nor Social Security because she believes that concentrated power is an evil. She credits the Communists for their successes in unionization and in pressing for immediate relief, but she denounces them for trying to achieve their broader agenda by force. She concludes that another Depression might be a relief because everyone knows that the affluent society of the 1960s is fueled by war.
“Fred Thompson”
In 1922, Thompson joined the International Workers of the World (IWW), a labor union that welcomed every kind of worker. He describes the IWW as less dogmatic than the Communists, who were beholden to Moscow. He recalls talk of revolution, although it was never concrete. He blames President Roosevelt and the New Deal for softening the labor movement, enabling “Unionism by permit—the NLRB, things of that sort,” and thus creating a situation in which “you don’t have to be a hero anymore” because your union leaders will handle grievances and everything operates with government oversight (309). This is how capitalism survived the 1930s. Unlike most of Terkel’s interviewees, Thompson derives hope from the attitudes of young people in the 1960s.
“Saul Alinsky”
Longtime Chicago-based community organizer, Alinsky describes his Depression-era efforts in Back of the Yards, a heavily-Catholic and badly-depressed area of the city. After three months spent “organizing, agitating, making trouble,” Alinsky “had the Catholic Church, the CIO, and the Communist Party working together” (312). He declined job offers from both John L. Lewis and President Roosevelt because, even though he supported the CIO and the New Deal, he wanted to preserve the autonomy of his local, community-based organizations.
“George Murray”
Editor and general manager of a Chicago newspaper from 1938 to 1945, Murray recalls his support for Dr. Francis Townsend and the radical plan for old-age pensions and other forms of relief that helped produce Social Security. Murray notes that Townsend did not possess a great economic mind, but Townsend took an interest in the plight of the elderly, which no one else did. Murray also contends that President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935 to prevent the enactment of Townsend’s more radical (i.e., fiscally generous) plan.
“Senator Russell Long”
Son of the famous Louisiana populist Governor Huey Long, who was shot and killed in 1935, Senator Russell Long describes his late father’s philosophy and legacy. In the Depression era, Huey Long believed that elected officials and others in Washington, DC were fleecing the public, so he called for programs that would distribute wealth more evenly. Senator Long also speculates that his father, if not for the assassination, would have run for president as a third-party candidate in 1936, which would have split the Democratic Party vote and perhaps even cost Roosevelt the election. Finally, Senator Long identifies Dr. Francis Townsend and Father Charles Coughlin as his father’s kindred political spirits.
“Evelyn Finn”
Finn, who lived in Baton Rouge in 1935, describes hearing the news on the radio that Huey Long had been shot. Her brother was in attendance at the Louisiana state capitol on the day of the assassination. She also recalls that many of the men in Long’s political machine across Louisiana were extremely corrupt and would do nearly anything to secure votes.
“Gerald L.K. Smith
Smith, 71, was a pastor in Shreveport, Louisiana, when the Depression began. He was also an associate and admirer of Huey Long. Smith felt moved by his parishioners' plight and even used his friendship with Long to pressure local banks into canceling foreclosure notices. Smith hails Long as “the only man of this century who knew how to think like a statesman and campaign like a demagogue” (321).
Smith recalls that Long was alternately courted and hated by Communists and reactionaries alike. Smith complains that when he, Long, and other populists railed against the moneyed interests, they had to contend with false charges of anti-Semitism. Smith wrote Long’s eulogy. Smith then fought the corrupt men of Long’s political machine who, after Long’s death, made common cause with Roosevelt in hopes of enjoying New Deal largesse. Smith concludes by describing political collaborations with Henry Ford, Dr. Francis Townsend, and Father Charles Coughlin.
“Claude Williams”
A Presbyterian evangelist in the Depression-era American South, Williams preached to congregations composed of laborers, Black and white alike. He “used the Bible as a workingman’s book,” (330) and in so doing he ran afoul of many traditional Presbyterians. Accused of being a Communist due to his support for organized labor, Williams lost his position in a number of churches and was even subjected to violence on account of his ministry to Southern Black people.
“Alf M. Landon”
Landon, 82, twice served as Governor of Kansas and in 1936 won the Republican presidential nomination. Landon describes the hard times of the early 1930s, which in Kansas were compounded by drought. Landon did not know what to do about the situation and explains that he always got along well with Roosevelt, that he never seriously disagreed with the New Deal, and that he “didn’t feel too bad” when he lost (336). Landon has no idea why the Republicans nominated him. On the way to the interview, Terkel spoke with a 30-year-old cab driver who confused Franklin Roosevelt with Teddy Roosevelt. On his way out of Topeka, Terkel met a 48-year-old cab driver who predicted another Depression.
“Christopher Lasch”
A historian and author in the late 1960s, Lasch offers an academic radical’s professional view of the Depression and New Deal. While there was some talk of revolution and a few pockets of revolutionary action, particularly in 1934, the New Deal was driven in large part by “industrialists descending on Washington” (338) hoping to preserve their own interests and prop up prices through “cartel-like arrangements” (339).
Lasch views the New Deal as a hodge-podge of ideas inside a framework that everyone agreed must remain capitalist. He blames the American Left of the 1930s for its failure to present viable alternatives to capitalism in the same way that early-20th-century Socialists did, and he applies the same criticism to the American Left of the 1960s.
“Robert A. Baird”
Terkel describes Baird as “president of a large conglomerate” in the Northwest and among “the most powerful men in the region” (341). Baird describes his father’s post-Crash bankruptcy and his own post-college experience working in an auto plant in Detroit. Having worked alongside the men on the assembly line, Baird learned the value of unions and the importance of treating working men with respect.
“Tom, His Younger Son”
Tom, 21, is somewhere in Canada avoiding the draft. He sees his father as a Depression-era extremist who thinks the purpose of life is to make money, a salesman who has “become a king in welfare capitalism” in part by learning how to manage “company-minded unions” (344).
“Peter, His Older Son”
Peter, 24, is a full-time SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) organizer and spokesman for Weatherman, the SDS’s violent faction. He believes that his father is a “good person” who “plays a bad role in this society” (344). Peter wants to destroy capitalism, though he thinks his father still has hope that Peter might succeed him as president of the conglomerate.
“Pauline Kael”
Kael recalls that at Berkeley in 1936, many of the students’ fathers had either abandoned their families in shame or died by suicide. She also remembers significant class divisions in the student body, including sorority girls who flaunted their wealth and fraternity boys who disrupted student demonstrations.
“Robert Gard”
At the University of Kansas in the 1930s, Gard has a friend who lived and slept inside a 1919 Model T Ford. Gard remembers “many breakdowns” and some “students actually starving,” though he also recalls “feverish intellectual discussion” of ideas to which he had never been exposed (348).
“Chance Stoner”
At the University of Virginia in the 1930s, Stoner promoted leftist radicalism, organized the undergraduates so as to retake the student government from the fraternities, and defied the racist dean by bringing a Black speaker to campus for the first time in decades. The university president also chastised him. Stoner concludes: “I was a troublemaker then. (Laughs.) I wish I still were” (349). In the late 1960s, Stoner worked on Wall Street.
Book 3 focuses on the Depression’s complicated political landscape. Terkel interviews administrators and advisors associated with Roosevelt’s New Deal, as well as members of Congress and others with insiders’ views of policymaking in the 1930s.
Some believe that the New Deal represented too great a departure from American political and economic traditions, while others think it did not go far enough toward addressing the Depression’s root causes. By interviewing populists, Communists, and others who disliked either the New Deal or the system it was designed to save, Terkel highlights both the political alternatives and pressures brought to bear on Roosevelt from all directions, specifically the risk of Political Turmoil and the Prospect of Revolution. While political reflections appear throughout Hard Times, only Book 3 gives those reflections special attention. Few of Terkel’s interviewees in Book 3 believe that a revolution was imminent in the 1930s, and nearly all agree that only World War II ended the Depression.
The architects of the New Deal believed that America’s government institutions had not kept pace with its industrial economy. They called themselves “liberals,” but in an ideological sense they were heirs to the progressive philosophy of the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Above all, they argued that the federal government must play a much larger role in the US economy than it had since the birth of the republic. While remaining committed to market capitalism at its core, they insisted that intelligent management and government oversight would help smooth capitalism’s rough edges and ameliorate its worst effects.
Officials such as Gardiner C. Means, C.B. (Beanie) Baldwin, Joe Marcus and John Beecher represent the spirit of what Woodrow Wilson once called “enlightened administration.” They immersed themselves in policy details. Some expressed thrilling feelings. Means describes the 1930s as “a very exhilarating period” (248) for the New Dealers. Marcus recalls that the “climate was exciting” (266). While President Roosevelt did not fully share their ideological commitment to progressive economic and political theories, he nonetheless proved pragmatic, results-oriented, and willing to improvise even if it meant taking risks. In the area of policymaking, those among Terkel’s interviewees who knew the president often cite his openness to experimentation as one of his great strengths.
Terkel gives equal time to administration and government insiders who believed that Roosevelt’s New Deal went too far. This includes Raymond Moley, who describes the New Deal as “a radical departure from American life” that “put more power in the central government” (251). David Kennedy helped implement Roosevelt’s bank rescues but later “became terribly disenchanted with the president’s lack of a clear direction,” among other things, which produced “bedlam and confusion in Washington” (275). Whereas some progressives argue that the New Deal did not go far enough toward central economic planning, conservative-minded critics claim that the New Deal in fact prolonged the Depression and even plunged the nation into a second wave of misery beginning in 1937.
Aside from Roosevelt, who won four consecutive presidential elections, no political figure or movement generated as much sympathy as did the populists. Gerald L. K. Smith describes political populism as “a coalition of the people” (325) that combined supporters of Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townshend, and Father Charles Coughlin. This was primarily a coalition of ideas and sentiments. Populist orators, in particular Long and Coughlin, touched a collective nerve in their listeners when they identified a catalog of powerful enemies: bankers, Wall Street speculators, industrial and agricultural monopolists, corrupt public officials, and even the US Army officers who used brutal tactics against the 1932 Bonus Marchers.
Congressman C. Wright Patman, for instance, believes that these officers, including Douglas MacArthur, “all ought to have been charged with murder” (283). While the Depression-era populists never coalesced around a single political figure, they nonetheless represented a significant electoral force. In the mid-1930s, Father Coughlin’s weekly radio show had tens of millions of listeners. Likewise, Senator Russell Long believes that had his father not been assassinated in 1935, he would have run for president in 1936 as a third-party candidate, which might have prevented Roosevelt from winning reelection.
The Republican Party’s decision to nominate Kansas moderate Alf Landon for president in 1936 suggests that the party’s establishment feared revolutionary populism more than it feared Roosevelt’s reelection. In his interview with Terkel, Landon admits that he supported the New Deal from the beginning, albeit with a handful of reservations. In response to Terkel’s question of why the party would nominate “an old progressive Republican” in the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt, Landon replies, “I don’t know” (335).
In the 1930s, communism also loomed as a radical alternative, once more tying into the theme of Political Turmoil and the Prospect of Revolution. While some labor leaders credit the Communists with successes in unionization, the majority of Terkel’s interviewees, even those who consider themselves leftist radicals, largely dismiss the Communists and count their impact as negligible. At the heart of global communism lay the Marxist concepts of class struggle and worldwide revolution. Many American leftists found the Communists’ ideas appealing but their tactics repellent.
Dorothy Day, a devout pacifist, believes that “all men are brothers” and that Communists understand this “but they want to bring it about through the use of force” (306). Max Shachtman complains that the American Communist Party’s “Achilles’ heel was its subordination to Moscow policy” (300). Historian Christopher Lasch even argues that while the specter of communism or of revolution in general might have spurred the Roosevelt Administration to action, the substance of the New Deal was largely reactionary—a product of “industrialists descending on Washington” (338), determined to inflate prices with “cartel-like arrangements” while merely “throwing a bone to labor” (339).
In Book 3, many of Terkel’s interviewees offer their perspectives on two recurring questions. First, did the American people in the 1930s appear poised for revolution? Second, did the Depression linger throughout the decade and then come to an end only because of World War II?
The vast majority of interviewees answer no to the first question. Marcus recalls that Communists made some noise, but that “revolution was never really on the agenda” (269). Kennedy describes more “bewilderment” than anything and even suggests that the affluent Americans of the 1960s are far more revolutionary in spirit than were the impoverished Americans of the 1930s (276). Even Fred Thompson of the IWW remembers “a lot of talk” but “no anticipation that we were about to take over the works and run it” (308). On the other hand, James A. Farley believes that Roosevelt “saved our free enterprise system, he saved the banks, he saved the insurance companies” (264).
On the question of whether the Second World War alone ended the Depression, Terkel’s Book 3 interviewees are unanimous in the affirmative. Moley declares “[i]t was the war that saved the economy and saved Roosevelt” (251, emphasis added). Kennedy recalls that Americans “really had not made a substantial recovery” and that “[t]he war got us out of it, not the New Deal policies” (274).
Hamilton Fish remembers “ten million people unemployed all the time during the New Deal” (291) and identifies this as one of several reasons the president wanted war. Even the New Deal’s enthusiastic administrators concede that it was not enough to solve the deeper problem. Baldwin claims that the “Depression lessened, but it never really ended until the war” (262, emphasis added). Marcus agrees that “[i]t was a very unusual Depression in the history of societies” in that it “lasted so long and went so deep” and that the “war did end the Depression” (269).
These recollections from government insiders support the assertions of other interviewees, who believe that only war restored the US economy to its pre-Depression vigor. This is a recurring note of disenchantment, especially among the young people of the 1960s who believe that American prosperity is built largely on war.
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