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William ShakespeareA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Caius Martius Coriolanus is the protagonist of the play and a tragic hero. He is a Roman patrician who is originally called Caius Martius until he receives the honorific agnomen “Coriolanus” to commemorate his deeds in capturing the city of Corioles.
In the early parts of the play, he is referred to as Martius, a name derived from Mars, the Roman god of war. This name contributes to his characterization as a natural soldier who values military glory and bravery over any other virtue. Shakespeare portrays Coriolanus as a man whose most admirable virtues are also his greatest faults. While his ferocity, anger, and stubbornness are beneficial on the battlefield, they are catastrophic when he attempts to enter the world of politics. Shakespeare also hints that Coriolanus embodies the traits traditionally associated with the aristocracy, making him an unbeatable leader but also causing him to damage his own career through uncompromising pride.
Many characters who encounter Coriolanus remark about his frightening appearance when he is angry or in battle. One of his fellow Roman commanders describes him in such terms as he observes him in battle:
LARTIUS. Thou wast a soldier
Even to Cato’s wish, not fierce and terrible
Only in strokes, but with thy grim looks and
The thunderlike percussion of thy sounds
Thou mad’st thine enemies shake, as if the world
Were feverous and did tremble (1.4.74-79).
Lartius mentions that Coriolanus looks terrifying even when he is not striking with his sword, and that his appearance and voice alone are enough to make Rome’s enemies tremble with fear. Servants at Aufidius’s hall later remark upon this same trait, not recognizing Coriolanus as a nobleman due to his beggar’s clothes, but growing alarmed when they see his angry expression. This characterization serves Shakespeare’s larger point that Coriolanus is a dangerous man to have as an enemy. While the tribunes regard him as a threat to their office if he gains power in Rome, they discover that he poses a much greater threat once he is banished.
By contrast, Menenius describes Coriolanus positively, emphasizing his innate nobility while also acknowledging how that very same trait causes him to be prone to anger. He tries to excuse Coriolanus’s temper by claiming:
MENENIUS. His nature is too noble for the world.
He would not flatter Neptune for his trident
Or Jove for ’s power to thunder. His heart’s his
What his breast forges, that his tongue must vent,
And, being angry, does forget that ever
He heard the name of death (3.1.326-332).
Menenius links nobility to honesty, integrity, and bravery, downplaying how this same trait damages Coriolanus’s reputation by making him violent and often insulting towards others.
While Coriolanus is often an unlikable, proud, violent, and tempestuous person, Shakespeare reminds the audience several times that his negative traits are not self-serving or motivated by a desire for personal reward. After the battle with the Volsces, Cominius offers Coriolanus a greater share of the plunder, but he refuses, insisting, “[I] cannot make my heart consent to take / A bribe to pay my sword. I do refuse it / And stand upon my common part with those / That have beheld the doing” (1.6.43-46). By refusing financial reward for his service, Coriolanus makes it clear that he risks his life because he sees it as virtuous, rather than to obtain more wealth. Similarly, Coriolanus refuses to listen when Cominius praises his bravery before the senate, feeling embarrassed by descriptions of his prowess in battle. Through this, Shakespeare indicates that Coriolanus does not fight to have his own reputation increased either.
Ultimately, Coriolanus’s inability to modify his behavior within the civic sphere ruptures his bond with Rome and results in his banishment. His desire for revenge leads him to make a pact with Aufidius and to march on Rome, although he is persuaded to broker a peace once he hears his mother’s pleas for mercy. His death at the hands of Aufidius’s men shortly afterwards reinforces the sense of a tragic downfall, as Coriolanus dies bravely and defiantly, still unable to truly modify who he is in any meaningful way.
Volumnia is Coriolanus’s mother and a foil to her son. At the beginning of the play her dialogue emphasizes their similar temperament, despite the gender difference between them. Although she is a woman, Volumnia is also bold and values military glory over anything else. While Virgilia, Coriolanus’s wife, sits at home and worries when her husband is away at war, Volumnia cheerfully visits friends. She tells Virgilia that she would prefer a son who dies honorably in battle over one who lives in dishonor, claiming that if Coriolanus had died in the war and left her childless, “then his good report should have been my / son; I therein would have found issue” (1.3.21-22). Volumnia believes that her son’s bravery and strength in combat is a trait he inherited from her, subverting the usual association between military might and masculinity.
Throughout the play, Volumnia is able to influence Coriolanus more than any other character. After his outburst against the tribunes, she is the only person able to convince him that he must humbly apologize. At the end of the play, she is able to persuade Coriolanus not to attack Rome after senators and his closest male friends have failed. Shakespeare implies that this is due to their close bond. Volumnia understands her son’s values better than the other characters do, allowing her to construct arguments that appeal to what he cares about most. She understands that Coriolanus finds the idea of dishonor more repugnant than any other threat or punishment. When she appears before him at the Volscian camp, she therefore shames him by pointing out how he has been ungrateful to her, saying, “there’s no man in the world / More bound to ’s mother, yet here he lets me prate / Like one i’ th’ stocks” (5.3.180-182). This tactic indicates how close their bond is, how much Coriolanus respects his mother, and the extent of Volumnia’s persuasive prowess.
While Volumnia’s parenting has shaped Coriolanus into a difficult man to control, the ending of the play puts her in the role of a hero. After she succeeds in convincing Coriolanus not to burn Rome, she is hailed by the Romans in the same way that a soldier might be after returning from a battle. Menenius proclaims, “This Volumnia / Is worth of consuls, senators, patricians / A city full” (5.4.57-59). By indicating that Volumnia has been as valuable to the city as the male generals and noblemen, Menenius depicts Volumnia as embodying a kind of female and maternal glory even in the traditionally masculine society of Rome.
Menenius is a secondary character and a mentor to Coriolanus. Menenius is an older Roman patrician who is known for his rhetorical prowess and his popularity with the common people. He is a skilled orator who uses the metaphor of the human body to pacify a riot over food shortages. The citizens of Rome remark upon seeing him that he is “one that hath always loved the people” while another replies, “he’s one honest enough. Would all the rest were so!” (1.1.51-54). This exchange solidifies how Menenius is seen by the plebeians as an ally, while the other patricians are not as well-regarded. Menenius tries to bridge the divide between the plebeians and the senate, but he is sabotaged by the tribunes, whom he condemns for their self-serving ambition and manipulative political tactics.
Throughout the play, Menenius seeks to rectify the dispute between Coriolanus and the plebeians, portraying Coriolanus as a noble and worthy leader who is easily misunderstood because of his brusque temperament. Menenius loves Coriolanus greatly, but he is ultimately unable to stop his friend from irreparably damaging his own reputation. When he pleads with Coriolanus not to burn Rome, he refers to himself in a paternal role, proclaiming, “The / glorious gods sit in hourly synod about thy particular / prosperity and love thee no worse than thy old / father Menenius does! O my son, my son!” (5.2.73-76). This speech indicates the depth of their bond, and increases the sense of tragedy when Coriolanus refuses to hear him and rejects his plea for mercy.
Aufidius is an antagonist of the play and a rival to Coriolanus. Aufidius is the leader of the Volsces, another tribe who are enemies of the Romans. He is a great commander and a fierce warrior in a longstanding competition with Coriolanus. At the beginning of the play, they duel during the battle of Corioles, with the fighting ending in a draw as Aufidius’s men intervene to save him. Aufidius is not satisfied with this outcoming, wanting to best Coriolanus in a fair fight. While Coriolanus and Aufidius claim to hate one another, they also demonstrate deep respect for each other as soldiers. Coriolanus claims, “I sin in envying his nobility / And, were I anything but what I am / I would wish me only he” (1.1.256-8). Their mutual desire to fight one another is therefore quickly turned into an alliance, as Aufidius respects Coriolanus’s skill in battle.
Shakespeare portrays the relationship between Aufidius and Coriolanus with erotic undertones, comparing their affection to a marital bond. When Aufidius first sees Coriolanus at Antium, he embraces him and tells him that his excitement is greater than when he first saw his wife. The servants similarly gossip about Aufidius’s subservience to Coriolanus in battle by using a marital analogy, with one man complaining, “Our general / himself makes a mistress of him, sanctifies / himself with ’s hand, and turns up the white o’ th’ / eye to his discourse” (4.5.214-217). This gossip foreshadows how Aufidius eventually turns against Coriolanus due to envy and in the fear that Coriolanus has surpassed him in the eyes of his soldiers. Aufidius orders his men to kill Coriolanus after determining that his reputation is growing too great, although he feels instant sorrow after the deed is done.
By William Shakespeare
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