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William ShakespeareA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Content Warning: This section contains discussions of death by suicide.
The tribunes beg Menenius to go and speak with Coriolanus, hoping that their past friendship will help him to persuade Coriolanus not to attack Rome. Menenius is worried that he will not succeed, since Coriolanus sent back Cominius without even speaking to him. Cominius despairs that nothing can reach Coriolanus now and that the whole city will die for the sake of the tribunes and their allies.
The tribunes plead with Menenius to use his rhetorical skill to try to save the city and Menenius reluctantly agrees. He decides to go after dinnertime, thinking that having recently eaten might make Coriolanus more merciful and forgiving.
Menenius goes to the Volsces’ camp and the guards mock him, telling him that he cannot go in and speak with the generals. Menenius protests that he is like a father to Coriolanus and that their old friendship would compel the general to let him in to talk.
Coriolanus and Aufidius come out and see Menenius, who begs Coriolanus to spare them and forgive them. Coriolanus turns him away and leaves. The guards make fun of Menenius for his previous claims, but Menenius does not rise to their taunts. He leaves, saying that a man who intends to die by his own hand does not need to fear anyone else.
Aufidius and Coriolanus discuss how Coriolanus has fulfilled their agreement and earned the trust of the Volsces by refusing to hear the suits of his former friends in private. However, Volumnia, Virgilia, Valeria, and Coriolanus’s son then arrive at the Volsces’ camp to speak with him. Coriolanus resolves not to let his familial instincts control him and to turn them away as he has done to everyone else.
Volumnia kneels before him and Coriolanus kneels to her as well, unable to disrespect his own mother. Volumnia pleads with him to have mercy on her and the other women who have come to petition him, reminding the Volsces of the unnatural position this war has put them in. While they ought to pray for Rome to be victorious, they are also compelled to pray for Coriolanus’s safe return, and the paradox of his fighting with the enemy army means they cannot turn to the divine for aid. Coriolanus continues to deny that he will spare Rome or forgive the tribunes.
Volumnia tries another tactic. Instead of asking him to spare Rome and therefore dishonor himself by breaking his oath to the Volsces, she begs him to help make peace between Aufidius and Rome. That, she claims, will win him praise and honor on both sides, since the Volsces will receive treasure and the Romans will be grateful for their lives.
Coriolanus tries to turn away, but Volumnia and the other women drop to their knees again and weep. This gesture of vulnerability finally breaks Coriolanus’s resolve. He cries to his mother that she may have just given him a mortal wound, as he cannot deny her request. He goes to make peace between Rome and the Volsces.
Back in Rome, a despondent Menenius talks to the tribune Sicinius as they await the news of whether or not the women were successful. Menenius is not optimistic, saying that Coriolanus is not filled with mercy or pity, even for those he loves. Sicinius mentions that the other tribune, Brutus, has been seized by the people and may be hanged if Coriolanus does not decide to spare the city. However, when the women return with news of success, the city celebrates.
The senators praise the women for their actions, saying that a temple should be built for them and cheering for them as they managed to do what a massive army of men could not.
Aufidius is unhappy with the outcome, talking to a group of conspirators about how he is upset that Coriolanus essentially took over his whole army. While the Volsces have gotten treasure from Rome, he tells his conspirators that Coriolanus must die so that his authority will be renewed.
Coriolanus returns from the city in triumph, but is quickly surrounded by the conspirators. Aufidius accuses him of giving up a great victory because of a woman’s tears, mocking him and calling him a boy. Coriolanus becomes infuriated and threatens the Volsces, who all remember how he killed many of their soldiers at Corioles. The conspirators attack him, eventually killing him in the fight.
Aufidius feels sorrow after the deed is done and orders that Coriolanus’s body should be brought back to the city in honor and given a proper burial.
The final confrontation between Coriolanus and the people of Rome in Act V serves as the culminating moment for The Role of Personality in Individual Behavior theme. While Cominius and Menenius fail in their suits to Coriolanus because they seek to alter his nature, Volumnia’s rhetoric proves more effective because she relies on the values already present in his character. When Menenius plans to go to Coriolanus to ask for mercy, he decides to go to Coriolanus after a meal, rationalizing that Cominius was only turned away because “he had not dined / The veins unfilled, our blood is cold, and then / We pout upon the morning, are unapt / To give or to forgive” (5.1.59-62), once more invoking the play’s motif of eating (See: Symbols & Motifs). Nevertheless, Menenius fails to move Coriolanus, proving that the alteration in his body after dining is not enough to alter his fundamental nature and inspire feelings of pity.
Volumnia, on the other hand, saves Rome by asking Coriolanus to obey his innate feeling of filial devotion and to feed his desire for increasing his own honor, rather than to suddenly feel pity towards the citizens who banished him. She acknowledges that Coriolanus cannot break his oath to the Aufidius, saying, “If it were so, that our request did tend / To save the Romans, thereby to destroy / The Volsces whom you serve, you might condemn / Us / As poisonous of your honor” (5.3.153-157). Therefore, she asks that he helps to make peace between the two nations, providing the Volsces with treasure in exchange for saving Rome from destruction. Her final gesture—demonstrating her own vulnerability by kneeling and weeping (See: Symbols & Motifs) before her son—finally breaks Coriolanus’s resolve. He is finally forced to acknowledge his own humanity and vulnerability by feeling moved in the face of his family’s distress. Since Volumnia’s request does not require Coriolanus to change his feelings or his inherent nature, her words are ultimately more effective than Menenius’s or Cominius’s.
After Volumnia’s successful argument, however, Shakespeare continues to hint at how The Problem of Masculine Violence will result in a continuing cycle of retaliatory bloodshed. While Rome has been saved, Coriolanus cannot break free from his martial cultural upbringing. Shakespeare first foreshadows this in the only line spoken by Coriolanus’s son, the young Martius. While the women weep and kneel before him, the young Martius retorts, “He shall not tread on me. / I’ll run away till I am bigger, but then I’ll fight” (5.3.147-148). The similarity between father and son guarantees that the cycle of violence would continue if Coriolanus attacked the city.
Even after he agrees to spare Rome, Coriolanus implies that he realizes he will still be unable to escape the patriarchal culture of violence. He laments to Volumnia:
CORIOLANUS. O, my mother, mother, O!
You have won a happy victory to Rome,
But, for your son—believe it, O, believe it!—
Most dangerously you have with him prevailed,
If not most mortal to him (5.3.208-212).
Shakespeare leaves his meaning ambiguous here, providing no immediate answer as to how Volumnia’s actions may have inadvertently killed her son. However, Coriolanus’s prediction later comes true when Aufidius also proves unable to let go of violence as a necessary factor of his own masculine identity. Since Coriolanus can no longer be the godlike monster (See: Symbols & Motifs), the perfect warrior whose individual will supersedes all others, he is vulnerable to Aufidius’s resentment and eventual betrayal.
The conclusion of the play depicts Aufidius murdering Coriolanus so that he can reaffirm his own power as the leader of the Volsces. After provoking Coriolanus by calling him the emasculating term “boy,” Coriolanus attacks his assassins and reminds them of how he has previously killed many of their people in previous wars:
CORIOLANUS. Cut me to pieces, Volsces. Men and lads,
Stain all your edges on me. ‘Boy’? False hound!
If you have writ your annals true, ’tis there
That like an eagle in a dovecote, I
Fluttered your Volscians in Corioles,
Alone I did it. ‘Boy’! (5.6.133-138).
His final words before he is killed affirm that the tragic flaw of Coriolanus, which led to his exile and his death, is his inability to find an identity outside of his role as a soldier. He dies by reaffirming his manhood, reminding the Volsces of how many of their troops he killed in Corioles. Once more he fights back against impossible odds to prove his superiority, but his final fight proves fatal to him.
By William Shakespeare
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