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Coriolanus has returned to the senate and expects to be declared consul. However, the tribunes arrive and inform the senate that the people are rioting outside and demanding that Coriolanus not be made consul. Coriolanus denies that this is possible, claiming that he had the people’s approval and that the tribunes must have betrayed Rome by stirring up conflict.
As the tribunes argue with Coriolanus, he becomes increasingly enraged by their provocations. When one of the tribunes presumptuously declares that Coriolanus shall never advance to the position of consul due to his angry temperament, he entirely loses his composure. After a furious speech in which he degrades the tribunes and the plebeians for acting without any love for Rome and reviles them for their lack of military service, the tribunes call Coriolanus a traitor and demand that he be arrested and executed. The tribunes allow the people into the senate and a mob breaks in to demand that Coriolanus be seized and executed.
Menenius tries to deescalate the situation, but the tribunes continue to rile the people up by warning them that Coriolanus will take all of their freedoms should he be named consul. The tribunes declare him to be a disease upon Rome. The people try to grab Coriolanus to take him to be executed. Coriolanus draws his sword upon the guards who try to arrest him, swearing to kill anyone who attempts to lay hands on him.
Menenius begs Coriolanus to leave and return to his house so that he can attempt to calm the people. Coriolanus is reluctant, claiming that he could easily defeat the mob if he were allowed to attack them, but eventually Menenius persuades him to depart. Cominius is alarmed by what has transpired and asks Menenius to attempt to resolve the situation without bloodshed. The other patricians are also worried by Coriolanus’s behavior, blaming him for destroying his own chances at obtaining power. Menenius claims that his anger is simply the result of an extremely noble nature.
Menenius attempts to calm the crowd by using the metaphor of a body again, calling Coriolanus a limb that could be easily cured of disease, but which if amputated could prove fatal to the whole. The tribunes object, calling Coriolanus a gangrenous foot that must be removed even if it previously served the body well. Menenius manages to persuade the tribunes not to immediately execute Coriolanus, promising that he will come to the marketplace and answer for his behavior. He reminds the people that Coriolanus has been raised as a soldier and therefore is not skilled at public speaking. The senators agree to the plan and depart to find Coriolanus at his house.
Back at his house, Coriolanus remains furiously angry with the tribunes and the people for the way that they have treated him. His mother Volumnia comes to him and he accuses her of wishing him to be contrary to his own nature when she asks him to be milder. Volumnia scolds him for foolishly reacting with anger before he had the power to do as his nature demanded without fear of retribution.
Menenius and the senators enter and beg Coriolanus to mend what he has nearly ruined by returning to the tribunes and apologizing for what he has said. Coriolanus refuses, but Volumnia persuades him that even in war, sometimes a soldier must act from the head rather than only the heart. She provides examples of how cities have sometimes been conquered by gentle words rather than by pure aggression, telling him that it will not dishonor him to do the same during peacetime. Therefore, she urges him to go to the tribunes and behave in a humble manner, holding his hat in his hands and kneeling, and telling the people he will be their servant.
Coriolanus reluctantly agrees, but he is disgusted by the idea of humbling himself. He claims that he will exchange his soldier’s nature for the behavior of a harlot, a eunuch, or a child, but then seems to talk himself out of the plan again, refusing to have his body behave in a way contrary to his mind. Volumnia tells him that if he does not do this, it will only be demonstrating his pride, not his courage. He agrees once again, and Menenius urges him to speak more mildly this time. Coriolanus goes with Menenius and the senators to the marketplace, swearing to be more mild.
The tribunes prepare the mob of plebeians for the arrival of Coriolanus, instructing them to follow their lead and cry either “Death” or “Banish” depending on how the confrontation goes. Privately, the tribunes plot to once again intentionally provoke Coriolanus’s anger, knowing that he cannot restrain himself in that event.
Coriolanus arrives at the market and initially follows his mother’s advice. Menenius apologizes on his behalf, reminding the people that Coriolanus is a solider and therefore lacks refinement in his speech. However, the tribunes call Coriolanus a traitor to Rome, reminding the people that he has spoken out against their office as the people’s representatives and even threatened to attack the officers who came to arrest him.
Coriolanus is unable to tolerate the accusation that he is a traitor and lashes out once again, even as Menenius and the senators try to remind him that he swore to be mild and calm. However, he is unable to restrain himself and condemns all of the people, swearing that he hates them all. The tribunes compel the crowd to cry out for Coriolanus to be banished from Rome.
Menenius and Cominius attempt to speak on Coriolanus’s behalf, but the tribunes refuse to listen. They declare Coriolanus an exile and drive him away. Coriolanus warns them that they will regret this when Rome’s enemies attack again and they do not have him to defend the city. He departs while the people cheer and celebrate.
Act III of Coriolanus depicts the main character’s downfall due to his own hubris, once again speaking to The Role of Personality in Individual Behavior. While the tribunes have schemed against his bid for the consulship, Coriolanus is finally undone by his own unwillingness to humble himself before the common people. Despite his success as a military leader, Coriolanus’s pride prevents him from becoming a civic leader, as he is unable to tolerate any slight by a person he perceives as his social inferior. Shakespeare explores the source of this pride throughout Act III, indicating how Coriolanus’s inability to perform humility originates in a fear of destabilizing his own sense of self and individual identity.
At the beginning of the Act, Coriolanus justifies his refusal to reconcile with the tribunes by arguing that their actions are treasonous to Rome, raising the specter of The Dangers of Internal Political Conflict if the commoners and their tribunes hold too much sway. He tells his patrician allies that apologizing to the people will only worsen their rebellion, claiming that, “In soothing them, we nourish ’gainst our senate / The cockle of rebellion, insolence, sedition / Which we ourselves have plowed for, sowed, and / Scattered” (3.1.90-94, emphasis added). Using the agricultural metaphor ties his words back to the original grain riots that created unrest in Rome in Act I, with Coriolanus arguing that rewarding such behavior will lead to even more rebellion by the plebeians. However, he is unwilling to make pragmatic compromises to accomplish his political goals.
Volumnia warns him that it is unwise to publicly express such sentiments until he actually has the power to rein in the people, telling him, “Lesser had been / The thwartings of your dispositions if / You had not showed them how you were disposed / Ere they lacked power to cross you” (3.2.24-27). Coriolanus could have still been a strict ruler over the plebeians if he had not revealed his plan to remove their rights before he actually had the power to legally do so. However, he views such behavior as contrary to his own nature, valuing the maintenance of his individual virtue over anything else.
Coriolanus refuses to apologize to the plebeians because he believes that saying anything he does not fully believe will dishonor him. Volumnia counsels him to say what he must even if he does not believe it, comparing it to a strategy in warfare that would bring him no dishonor:
VOLUMNIA. Now, this no more dishonors you at all
Than to take in a town with gentle words,
Which else would put you to your fortune and
The hazard of much blood.
I would dissemble with my nature where
My fortunes and my friends at stake required
I should do so in honor (3.2.74-80).
Despite this, Coriolanus still holds reservations about acting in a way contrary to his authentic self, further developing the play’s theme of The Role of Personality in Individual Behavior. He worries that if he apologizes, he will “by [his] body’s action, teach [his] mind / A most inherent baseness” (3.2.149-150). This debate between mother and son signifies a key difference between the two of them. While Volumnia has taught her son to value honor, military service, and nobility, Coriolanus finds it impossible to perform anything other than his own true nature. While Volumnia is willing to give off the appearance of humility or gentleness when it is required to achieve her goals, Coriolanus fears that doing so will compromise his own individual identity, turning him into a person that he is not.
By the end of the Act, Coriolanus has failed to win over the love of the people and is banished from the city as a result. His final words to the plebeians and the tribunes indicate his absolute hatred and disregard for their political authority: “You common cry of curs, whose breath I hate / As reek o’ th’ rotten fens, whose loves I prize / As the dead carcasses of unburied men / That do corrupt my air, I banish you!” (3.3.150-153). These words focus particularly on the voices of the people. While in Act II, Coriolanus was required to ask for the voices of the people, with the voice standing in as a symbol of political authority, his insult here signifies his disgust with their influence over Rome.
For Coriolanus, words and identity are one and the same, and he cannot speak what he does not believe. Degrading the voices of the people therefore indicates his complete disregard for public opinion, culminating in his final words that attempt to reverse the balance of power. If he banishes the people rather than acknowledging that they have the legitimate power to banish him, he maintains his own sense of self as an individual, whose actions matter more than the pressures of a community.
By William Shakespeare
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