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William ShakespeareA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The play is set in the era of the 5th-century Roman Republic. The Roman people are rioting because of food shortages, with citizens complaining that the patrician class who governs the senate are hoarding all of the resources while the plebeian class starves.
The Roman patrician Menenius Agrippa appears before the mob. The citizens do not harm him because he is considered friendly to the common people. Menenius attempts to calm the rioting crowd by telling them a parable about the human body. He describes how many parts of the human body began to resent the belly, thinking that it did nothing but receive all of the food. However, the belly explained that it served only as the storehouse, distributing the food to every functional limb and organ of the body, down to the most insignificant part. Menenius compares the belly to the senate and the rioting limbs to the people.
Caius Martius, another Roman patrician, enters and scolds the plebeians for rioting. He insults them, calling them cowards because they do not serve as soldiers. Speaking with Menenius, Martius is furious that the senate has been forced to concede to the crowd’s demands, granting them five tribunes to serve as their representation in government. The crowd disperses and Martius departs.
Meanwhile, the senate learns that an enemy called the Volsces are forming an army near Rome. They decide to send the consul Cominius to fight off the threat and besiege the Volscian city of Corioles. Two of the tribunes, Junius Brutus and Sicinius Velutus, worry about Martius’s disdain for the common people. They privately discuss how Martius is proud by nature, but he is dangerous because he is a skilled soldier who will surely win more glory.
In the nearby city of Corioles, the Volsces and their general Aufidius make a plan to attack Rome. When Aufidius learns that Martius will be fighting against him, he becomes excited, declaring that there is no man in the world whom he hates more than Martius.
Back in Rome, Martius’s wife Virgilia sits sewing with her mother-in-law, Volumnia. Volumnia is very proud of her son for being a heroic soldier, declaring that she would prefer a son who dies young in battle than one who lives a dishonorable life. Virgilia is worried for her husband’s safety and fears for him in the coming battles. Volumnia dismisses her worries, telling her that to return bloody from a battle is more becoming than any other crown.
A friend named Valeria comes to call upon then, complimenting Virgilia for her son, young Martius, who seems to take after his father in his propensity for fighting. She and Volumnia go out to visit a sick friend, but Virgilia refuses, saying that she refuses to leave until Martius returns home safely. Volumnia dismisses her worries and departs.
At Corioles, the Romans prepare to besiege the gate, but learn that Aufidius is not inside. The Volsces come through the gates to attack the Romans, pushing them back to their trench. Martius shouts at his men not to retreat, threatening to attack them himself if they flee.
As the Romans manage to drive back the Volsces to the gate, Martius follows them through alone and is enclosed within Corioles. His fellow commander Lartius believes that he will certainly die within. However, Martius eventually reemerges, wounded and bloody, but alive.
Martius sees the Roman soldiers immediately going to loot the city and disdains them for focusing on greed when there is still a battle to fight. He asks Lartius where Cominius’s forces are, still hoping to fight with Aufidius, and departs to find them.
Cominius receives a message that Lartius and Martius were driven back from the gates, but then Martius appears to say that the city has been breached. Cominius is upset with the messenger for a false report, but Martius defends him by saying that this information was simply out of date. Martius rallies a group of men to fight Aufidius’s forces with him, asking only for those who do not fear death and value Rome over their own lives.
Lartius finishes securing the captured town of Corioles. He leaves some soldiers behind as guards, but sends the rest of his soldiers to assist Cominius’s army in fighting Aufidius.
Martius and Aufidius meet on the field and declare their hatred for each other. They fight, but Aufidius’s men attempt to intervene and pull him back as he shouts at them to leave as the contest between them must be fair. Aufidius is forced to retreat.
After the battle is won, Cominius attempts to reward Martius for his valor. Martius is embarrassed by the praise, asking to leave to wash the blood from his wounds rather than stay to listen. Cominius attempts to give him a greater share of the plunder in compensation, but he refuses. Instead, Cominius gives him the name “Coriolanus,” to honor his bravery in capturing the city of Corioles.
Martius, now referred to as Coriolanus, asks to go and wash again, but finally remembers a request: He asks Cominius to spare a prisoner who was a man of Corioles who gave him shelter in his house.
Elsewhere, the Volsces have retreated. Aufidius is furious that he still has not managed to best Coriolanus in battle and vows to do so the next time that they meet. He prepares to make a peace treaty with the Romans.
The first Act of Coriolanus introduces the theme of The Dangers of Internal Political Conflict that will eventually transform the protagonist from a hero of Rome into its greatest enemy. Shakespeare opens the play with a scene depicting a riot, in which citizens protest against the senate’s decision not to distribute grain imported during a famine. The citizens interpret this withholding as an act of aggression and hatred towards them, with one person proclaiming, “The leanness that afflicts us, the object of our / misery, is as an inventory to particularize their [the patricians’] / abundance; our sufferance is a gain to them” (1.1.19-21). This dialogue indicates the extreme distrust between different social classes in Rome, with plebeians assuming that their own suffering must be desirable to the aristocratic ruling class. Shakespeare creates a tone of dread and anxiety in this opening scene, showing how unstable and divided Rome is during this period in history (See: Background).
While the riot over the grain suggests division, the character of Menenius in this scene plays a pivotal role by reminding the people of how they are all united as Romans. Menenius’s parable centers upon the human body and hunger, which introduces the play’s motif of eating and appetite (See: Symbols & Motifs). Notably, Menenius personifies the belly, comparing it to the Roman patricians in order to explain that the withholding of the grain store is not due to animosity, but rather prudence:
MENENIUS. ‘True is it, my incorporate friends,’ quoth he [the stomach],
‘That I receive the general food at first
Which you do live upon; and fit it is,
Because I am the storehouse and the shop
Of the whole body’ (1.1.137-141).
Menenius’s words do help to calm the populace, establishing him as a mediating figure between the upper and lower classes. His rhetorical prowess and ability to make peace here will form an important contrast with the social unrest of later Acts, when even Menenius is unable to soothe the conflict between Coriolanus and the plebeians and, eventually, between Coriolanus and all of Rome. These opening riots thus foreshadow the growing danger of the Roman state being divided and at war with itself, suggesting that civil unrest is a form of self-destruction rather than legitimate or justified revolution.
Another major focus of Act I is on the temperament and personality of the main character, Coriolanus, which introduces the play’s interest in The Role of Personality in Individual Behavior. Coriolanus, who is introduced as Caius Martius before he receives his agnomen, is a complex character from his first moments on stage. While his reaction to the plebeians’ rioting seems cold and unsympathetic, Menenius reassures the people that this is merely due to his deep devotion to Rome. Martius’s contempt for the plebians foreshadows the conflict he will face in trying to win their support for his desired consulship later in the play.
During the battle at the end of the Act, Caius Martius’s deeds are simultaneously exemplary and excessive. His bravery is admirable, but his threat to cut down his own troops should they try to run suggests that he is also prone to the use of excessive force. As he prepares to go out and fight against Aufidius, his speech to recruit soldiers to follow him indicates that his extreme devotion to Rome is both his greatest virtue and his greatest flaw:
MARTIUS. If any such be here—
As it were sin to doubt—that love this painting
Wherein you see me smeared; if any fear
Lesser his person than an ill report;
If any think brave death outweighs bad life,
And that his country’s dearer than himself;
Let him alone, or so many so minded,
Wave thus to express his disposition
And follow Martius (1.6.86-94).
This speech indicates the destructive side of Coriolanus’s highly noble nature. While Coriolanus is entirely selfless, proclaiming that he would rather die for Rome than live a “bad life,” he also acknowledges that he is giving the speech covered in blood and wounds. Shakespeare indicates the frightening aspect of his appearance when no soldier joins him after this speech, conveying that his extreme military excellence is intimidating rather than inspiring. While commanders praise Coriolanus for his actions, the regular troops appear alienated by his total disregard for his own safety and his complete commitment to inflicting violence upon anyone he sees as an enemy of Rome.
Coriolanus’s fearlessness and valor are thus presented as both winning him glory and as a potentially destabilizing force for the Romans, raising the issue of The Problem of Masculine Violence that will be explored more deeply throughout the rest of the play.
By William Shakespeare
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