59 pages • 1 hour read
Daniel SilvaA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Content Warning: This section discusses violence (including gun violence), murder, and death. It also mentions the Holocaust.
Vera Hobbs, a baker in Gunwalloe, England, sees a light on in Charlotte Blake’s cottage. Charlotte is the author of a best-selling book about Picasso and an expert in “APR, or artistic provenance research” (4). There is a serial killer, known as “the Chopper,” on the loose, which causes Vera to worry. At work, Vera asks Molly, her employee, when she last saw Charlotte. Molly saw Charlotte driving north the previous day. Vera talks to her friend Dottie, who suggests that they call Charlotte. Vera finds her work phone number and is sent to voicemail. Then, she calls Detective Sergeant Timothy Peel.
Sarah Bancroft, a former CIA operative and art curator, is married to an officer in the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), Christopher Keller, who goes by the name Peter Marlowe. Sarah hears on the news that the Chopper has killed Charlotte, whose book Sarah owns. After hearing other news about an upcoming election, Sarah prepares to attend an event where Van Gogh’s stolen painting Self-Portrait With Bandaged Ear will be returned to the Courtauld Gallery. She is the first to arrive at Isherwood Fine Arts that morning, and Julian Isherwood comes in shortly thereafter. They talk about Charlotte’s death. A journalist from ARTnews calls and asks Sarah for a comment on Gabriel’s work restoring the Van Gogh after it was recovered.
Gabriel and his wife, Chiara, talk about Amelia March, the reporter who called Sarah, and Irene, their daughter, a young climate activist. They also talk about Gabriel’s latest restoration project in a church in Murano and how they hope business will pick up after March’s article comes out. While they have lunch, Gabriel teases Chiara about a bartender at Cupido who has a crush on her. After lunch, he buys her some clothes. They have sex in their hotel room before the event at the Courtauld Gallery. As they arrive, Gabriel gets a phone call from Timothy Peel and agrees to meet in Port Navas the following afternoon.
At the event, various guests, including Nicholas Lovegrove and Olivia Watson, gather around Gabriel to talk about his impressive art restorations. The arrival of Hugh Graves, the British home secretary in line to become the next prime minister, and his rich wife, Lucinda, takes the guests’ attention away from Gabriel. Lucinda funded the event and is one of the members of Courtauld’s board. Gabriel briefly talks to Graves about the election and then talks to Julian Isherwood about the Van Gogh painting. Gabriel and Lucinda unveil the painting. After having a drink, Gabriel and Chiara leave to go out to dinner. They talk about the phone call he got from Timothy Peel.
Gabriel prepares to drive to Port Navas, and Chiara berates him for being rude when he first went to Cornwall under the guise of Giovanni Rossi. They talk about the Chopper and Charlotte’s death. Once in Port Navas, Gabriel boards “a wooden ketch” (34), a sailboat that Gabriel gave to Timothy. The two men talk about the property that Gabriel used to rent in the little town and Timothy’s family. Timothy then tells Gabriel that he thinks someone other than the Chopper killed Charlotte.
Timothy tells Gabriel about Vera seeing the light in Charlotte’s cottage. Timothy found Charlotte’s car at an amusement center in Land’s End, but he hasn’t found her phone. He thinks that a copycat of the Chopper killed Charlotte, but the other people working the Chopper case wouldn’t like his theory, so he called Gabriel. As they drive to Charlotte’s cottage, Timothy suggests that Gabriel spend the summer in Cornwall.
As they walk through the crime scene at Charlotte’s cottage, Timothy and Gabriel talk about how Picasso’s paintings are frequently forged and stolen. There is evidence that Charlotte left the cottage in a hurry. Gabriel offers to crack the password on Charlotte’s laptop, but Timothy refuses the offer. After discovering that Charlotte was researching paintings stolen by the Nazis, they look at her notes about a particular painting, identified in the notes as an “[u]ntitled portrait of a woman in the surrealist style, oil on canvas” (45). Gabriel also notes that Charlotte included an acknowledgment of Naomi Wallach, an art expert, in her book.
Samantha Cooke, a writer for The Telegraph, waits for information from a source. Eventually, an A4 envelope is dropped on a bench at the embankment. It contains financial information about the Conservative Party’s fundraising. Her source communicates via text and calls themself Nemo.
Gabriel meets Naomi at the Louvre. They discuss a mutual friend and the Nazi practice of looting art from the homes of Jewish people during the Holocaust. Gabriel mentions Augustus Rolfe, father of a famous violinist, as a collector of art from Jewish people who were murdered in the Holocaust. Naomi admits that she is the one who asked Charlotte to research the “[u]ntitled portrait of a woman” (52). The request was from the family of Bernard Levy, whose art was stolen after he died in Auschwitz. His grandson, Emanuel Cohen, saw the painting in the Geneva Freeport, and Charlotte agreed to take his case. Gabriel can’t interview Emanuel because he died after being pushed down some stairs in Paris, on the rue Chappe.
The death of Emanuel was ruled an accident—a fall down the stairs—rather than a murder. Gabriel talks to a waiter, Henri, about where Emanuel was found. Near the stairs, Gabriel meets a street vendor, Amadou Kamara. In exchange for several hundred euros, Amadou tells Gabriel that he saw someone push Emanuel. He also admits that he stole Emanuel’s phone and gave it to his employer, Papa Diallo. Emanuel takes Gabriel to meet Papa, who demands €1,000 for the dead man’s phone. Gabriel pays him after making a withdrawal at a cash machine.
Back in London, Gabriel calls Sarah and says that he needs the gun he left at her house. When they meet, Gabriel tells her about the painting, the murders, and the phone. He uses a phone-hacking malware program called Proteus to get into Emanuel’s phone. It contains the number for the “Galerie Edmond Ricard SA” in the Geneva Freeport (68). Gabriel asks Sarah if she knows anyone familiar with Ricard, and she arranges a lunch with Nicholas Lovegrove.
On their way to lunch, Gabriel and Sarah talk about a news story revealing that Lord Michael Radcliff accepted a political contribution from corrupt Russian oligarch Valentin Federov, with the knowledge of Prime Minister Hillary Edwards. Edwards will have to step down because of the scandal. Lovegrove is excited to meet Gabriel. Gabriel asks him about Ricard, and Lovegrove requires a trade for information. Gabriel agrees to clean Lovegrove’s “Gentileschi” in exchange for the details (73). Lovegrove hides the identity of his client but mentions that the client had Lovegrove examine a Rothko painting that Galerie Ricard was selling. The painting was owned by a company called OOC, which stands for Oil on Canvas. After buying the painting, Lovegrove’s client kept it in the Geneva Freeport and then sold it after owning it for two months. Lovegrove’s client dropped him right after giving Lovegrove his cut of the sale.
Daniel Silva uses the third-person perspective throughout A Death in Cornwall but moves between the perspectives of various characters. Chapter 1 is narrated from the perspective of a minor character—a Cornwall resident named Vera who discovers that Charlotte, an art historian, is dead. Silva also includes the perspectives of Samantha, a reporter, and Sarah, a close friend of Gabriel’s who runs an art gallery, in this first section. The point of view that Silva uses most frequently is Gabriel’s, as he is the central figure of the Gabriel Allon series. He is a retired director-general of Israel’s SIS. In addition to unofficially solving cases that involve art-related crimes, Gabriel works, officially, as director of the Tiepolo Restoration Company.
The novel’s epigraph introduces one of its central themes—The Destructive Influence of Extreme Wealth: “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me” (1). This epigraph comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1926 short story “The Rich Boy.” In this story, Fitzgerald explores how extreme wealth clouds people’s moral judgment and prevents them from seeing themselves or other people clearly. Throughout the novel, Silva explores a similar theme: In this novel, the very rich care only about protecting and growing their wealth. Silva makes a distinction between “the very rich” and the merely well-off. Gabriel is well-off; he owns a nice house in Venice and makes a very high income by restoring valuable artworks. However, purchasing this house “diminished the small fortune he had accumulated during a lifetime of restoration work” (19). Like the vast majority of humanity, he must work for his living, and he must consider his purchases carefully in view of his budget. These necessities are unknown in the world of the super-rich in this novel, whose wealth derives from investments. The rich have to rearrange funds, and replenish them, when making a very large purchase. They can’t simply buy a house without worrying about how it will impact their bank account, but the super-rich can buy a house without worrying about how it will impact their fortune. Similarly, Charlotte, whose murder Gabriel is investigating, had to earn money to buy her cottage. She “purchased Wexford Cottage with the proceeds of her bestselling exploration of Picasso’s life and work in wartime France” (3). Charlotte and Gabriel are both highly successful practitioners of rarified professions, and they earn their money through their skill and experience. In the world of A Death in Cornwall, this commonality unites them and makes them different from the oligarchs and aristocrats with whom they do business.
In addition to his expertise as an art restorer, Gabriel has another, more elicit way of engaging with art: He is a highly skilled forger. His work forging paintings by Van Gogh, Modigliani, and other legendary artists involves him with The Commodification of Art since his work has value only in that it can be passed off as the work of other, far more famous artists. Though art forgery is illegal and involves theft, Gabriel practices it in an ethical manner. He never sells his forgeries for profit; instead, he uses them only to ensnare criminals and to make deals that lead to real artworks being restored to their rightful owners. This conscientious practice contrasts with another form of commodification prevalent in the novel: the use of the art market as a means of laundering money. In this section, Silva describes the “business of art […] the so-called collectors who acquire paintings strictly for investment purposes and then lock them away in places like the Geneva Freeport” (55). This practice is anathema to Gabriel because it strips the paintings of their aesthetic, cultural, and moral value. They are locked away where no one can see them, treated as commodities no different from any other. Moving art into the Freeport, and selling it there, allows the very rich to avoid taxation. The art business is just one way that politicians launder money.
The success of this money-laundering scheme requires politicians willing to look the other way, and the immense sums of money involved are more than enough to buy the loyalty of a few members of Parliament and even a prime minister, introducing the theme of The Ubiquity of Political Corruption. The reader first learns about British politics through Sarah, an American CIA operative who is not a British citizen and can’t vote. She and Gabriel follow Samantha’s news story about Radcliff taking a contribution from Russian billionaire Valentin Federov, and the story implicates Prime Minister Edwards. She is an “historically unpopular prime minister” (28), but her name is cleared in the laundering scandal later in the novel. According to Silva’s Author’s Note, Lord Radcliff’s Russian funding was inspired by a report published in 2020 by the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament. The real-life report revealed that “several members of the House of Lords were in business with pro-Kremlin Russian oligarchs” (411).
Finally, Silva introduces two important symbols in this section. The main symbol of Charlotte’s death, and the overall case, is the painting that she is killed for investigating. In Charlotte’s notes, the painting is identified as an “[u]ntitled portrait of a woman in the surrealist style, oil on canvas, ninety-four by sixty-six centimeters, 1937” (45). Charlotte’s research revealed that this work was stolen from Bernard Levy during the Holocaust and should be returned to his descendant Emanuel Cohen. However, it is owned by the OOC (Oil on Canvas Group), a shell company operating out of the Freeport. This stolen painting symbolizes the commodification of art and, more particularly, the theft of art and other valuable items from Jewish families as part of the Holocaust. A second recurring symbol is the prevalence of boats in the novel. The first boat that Gabriel boards in the novel is his own ketch—a medium-sized sailboat with two masts. Gabriel loans this boat to Timothy when he is in Italy, and it comes back at the end of the novel. Berthed in Cornwall but free to sail anywhere, the boat symbolizes Gabriel’s combination of rootedness and independence.